

題名:Energy Saving Policy and Practice in the University Museum
作者:伊恩.卡瑞戴斯曾信傑 引用關係
作者(外文):Carradice, Ian
主題關鍵詞:節能減碳大學校務政策永續發展大學博物館大眾教育Energy savingUniversity policySustainable developmentUniversity museumPublic education
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本文主要探討英國聖安德魯斯大學(University of St Andrews)在籌建一座新博物館時,如何正視節能減碳政策而採取的因應措施。藉著比較校方的永續發展政策與新籌建的聖安德魯斯大學博物館——繆莎如何整合不同的節能減碳方式,我們可以看到實務運作如何反映出組織的政策。 「繆莎」在西元 2008 年正式對外開放。身為聖安德魯斯大學之主要博物館,由於校史悠久且具知名度,加上既有之國際知名的博物館學課程,因此博物館在各方面皆以高品質為訴求。在響應節能政策方面,博物館也不例外;其新建的館舍在硬體建築上整合了不同的節能減碳裝置,包括使用太陽光能發電板與地熱傳導暖氣系統。由於「繆莎」是整個大學中,民眾最容易造訪的一處場所,校方決定將其節能減碳措施的相關資訊在博物館公開展示。因此,「繆莎」不但成為該校展現永續發展策略的最佳管道,也讓永續發展教育從課堂教室,延伸到一般社會大眾參觀的大學博物館。
This paper looks at energy saving measures in a new museum development at the University of St. Andrews. By comparing the University’s sustainable development policy with the different elements of energy saving incorporated into the new Museum of the University of St. Andrews (MUSA) we can see to what extent practice matches policy. MUSA opened to the public in 2008. As the principal museum of an historic University that has an international reputation for museum studies, it was important that the museum should be of high quality. The University also decided to incorporate into the building various energy saving measures, including the use of solar panels and a ground source heat pump. Because MUSA is one of the most publicly accessible buildings in the University, it was also decided that information on the energy saving measures should be displayed in the museum. The University is therefore extending its teaching on sustainability beyond the University classroom to the general public through MUSA.
1.Carradice, Ian。A university museum (MUSA): Whose heritage?。Opuscula musealia。  new window
1.Thomson, Garry(1986)。The Museum Environment。London:Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.。  new window
2.Brophy, Sarah S.、Wylie, Elizabeth(2008)。The green museum. A primer on environmental practice。The green museum. A primer on environmental practice。Lanham。  new window
3.Cassar, May(1994)。Museums, environment, energy。Museums, environment, energy。London。  new window
1.National Maritime Museum(2007)。National Maritime Museum Energy Policy Document。  new window
2.Booth, Robert(2008)。Halls of shame: biggest CO2 offenders unveiled。  new window
3.University of St. Andrews(2005)。University of St. Andrews Sustainable Development Strategy 2005-2009。  new window
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