

作者(外文):Li, Yu-xiuChang, Chu-ling
主題關鍵詞:越南籍婦女胎死腹中Vietnamese mothersIntrauterine fetal death
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本文是探討一位懷孕三十八週之越南籍經產婦,於產檢時發現胎死腹中,所面臨之身、心問題 的護理經驗。筆者為個案的主護護士,藉由觀察、會談、身體評估等方式收集資料,並運用Gordon 十一項健康功能作為評估工具以確立其護理問題。護理問題包括有失去孩子的哀傷、引產造成的疼 痛及因慣用語不同對提供血色素低飲食的知識缺失。筆者照護期間藉由與個案建立良好的人際係、 傾聽及運用同理心,使個案減輕引產所造成的不適,而個案及案夫也可接受失去孩子的事實,並已 建立個案自我照顧的相關知識,如飲食知識。台灣有越來越多的外籍配偶,研究者除協助外籍配偶 面對此次特殊的生產經驗外,語言溝通也是一個需要注意的問題。因此,期望提供此護理經驗作為 其他護理人員照護外籍配偶的相關問題之參考。
The purpose of this study is to understand the related nursing problems and care methods of Vietnamese mothers when facing intrauterine fetal death during late pregnancy. The researcher uses the case study research method; using the Gordon 11-item functional health pattern during the period of primary nursing to assess the health status of the case; through observation, in-depth interview, and physical assessment to collect information; in addition two telephone interviews are made after discharge. The results show nursing issues including: grief caused by the loss of a child, anxiety caused by labor and labor pain, and lack of knowledge caused by cultural differences. The results of this study suggest that clinical nurses when facing similar cases should pay attention to cultural differences, focus on individual needs, assist the case study and their spouses to face the reality of losing a child, thus reducing the impact and pressure caused by the loss. Researchers also hope that the nursing experience gained through the case study can be provided as a reference to relevant health care personnel, and through collaboration helping to balance culture differences for foreign cases.
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