

作者(外文):Huang, Li-yi
主題關鍵詞:中介語研究對比分析錯誤分析對外華語教學第二語言習得華語教學語法把字句Interlanguage studyContrastive analysisError analysisTeaching Chinese as a second languageChinese pedagogical grammarBA construction
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This paper is an interdisciplinary study of Second Language Acquisition, Chinese Syntax, and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. The major interests of this study are the interlanguage system of English learners of Chinese, the causes of the formation of the learner’s linguistic system, and the learning processes with respect to BA construction. The data listed in the paper are taken from the Chinese Learner’s Corpus established by Prof. Teng Shou-hsin. The research methods used in the study are Interlanguage study and contrastive analysis. In order to have a comprehensive understanding of the learners' interlanguages at the beginner level and the intermediate level, synchronic study and diachronic study are used. The findings of the study could be applied to the course designing, the improvement of the teaching methods and learning strategies of BA construction at the beginner and intermediate Chinese classes.
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