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1.Singer, R. N.、Lidor, R.、Cauragh, J. H.(1993)。To be aware or not aware? What to think about while learning and performing a motor skill。The Sport psychologist,7,19-30。  new window
2.Cohn, P. J.(1990)。Pre-performance routines in sport: theoretical support and practical applications。The Sport Psychologist,4,301-312。  new window
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5.劉一民(198912)。運動中的儀式動作--理論分析與實際應用的探討。中華民國體育學會體育學報,11,79-87。new window  延伸查詢new window
6.Southard, D.、Miracle, A.(1993)。Rhythmicity, ritual, and motor performance: A studay of free throw shooting in basketball。Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,64,284-290。  new window
7.朱展志、林如瀚(20061200)。「儀式型動作」在桌球發球訓練上的應用。中華體育季刊,20(4)=79,87-92。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.陳俊汕(19981200)。集中注意力的內在因素策略探討。中華體育季刊,12(3)=47,110-115。new window  延伸查詢new window
9.Singer, R. N.、Lidor, R.、Cauraugh, J. H.(1994)。Focus of attention during motor skill performance。Journal of Sports Sciences,12,335-340。  new window
10.黃英哲、陳五洲(19931200)。籃球罰球準備動作時間與命中率的關係。體育學報,16,183-195。new window  延伸查詢new window
11.Hatzigeorgiadis, A.、Theodorakis, Y.、Zourbanos, N.(2004)。Self-Talk in the Swimming pool: The Effects of Self-Talk on Thought Content and Performance on Water-Polo Tasks。Journal of Applied Sport Psychology,16(2),138-150。  new window
12.Gould, D.、Udry, E.(1997)。Psychological skills for enhancing performance: Arousal regulation strategies。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,26(4),478-485。  new window
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1.Weinberg, R. S.、Gould, D.(1995)。Burnout and overtraining: Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology。Champaign, IL:Human Kinetics。  new window
2.馬啟偉、張力為(1996)。體育運動心理學。臺北:東華書局。  延伸查詢new window
3.Moran, A. P.(1996)。The psychology of concentration in sport performers: A cognitive analysis。Sussex:East Psychology Press。  new window
4.Lazarus, Richard S.、Folkman, Susan(1984)。Stress, Appraisal, and Coping。Springer。  new window
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1.Crews, D. J.、Lochbaum, M. R.、Karoly. P.(2001)。Self-regulation: Concepts, methods, and strategies in sport and exercise。Handbook of sport psycholgy。New York:Wiley。  new window
2.Landers, D. M.、Arent, S. M.(2001)。Arousal-performance relationships。Applied sport psychology: Personal growth to peak performance。Mountain View, CA:Mayfield。  new window
3.Lidor, R.、Singer, R. N.(2004)。Preperformance routines in self-paced tasks: Developmental and educational considerations。The psychology of team sports。Morgantown, WV:Fitness Information Technology。  new window
4.Smith, R. S.(1984)。A component analysis of athletics stress。Sport for children and youths。Champaign, IL:Human Kinetics。  new window
5.Zinsser, Nate、Bunker, Linda、Williams, Jean M.(2001)。Cognitive techniques for building confidence and enhancing performance。Applied sport psychology: Personal growth to peak performance。Mayfield Publishing Company。  new window
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