

作者:黃馨慧 引用關係黃蘭媖 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Hsin-huiHuang, Lan-ying
主題關鍵詞:自我保護意識家庭教養態度解決問題能力人身安全教育Self-protection awarenessParenting stylesProblem-solving skillsPersonal safety education
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The current study examined the relations between elementary school children's self-protection awareness with various family factors, including parenting styles, problem-solving skill training and personal safety education. Survey was conducted to 488 fifth-and sixth-grade elementary students. The results showed that students reported receiving less problem-solving skill training and personal safety education at home when their main caregivers were grandmothers instead of parents. Female students scored higher than male students on both the personal safety education and the self-protection awareness ratings. Hierarchical regression analysis showed that child's sex, parenting styles, problem-solving skill training, as well as personal safety education were significant in predicting self-protection awareness. In addition, problem-solving skill training and personal safety education acted as mediators in the model, explaining why higher levels of authoritative and protective parenting styles were associated with higher scores of self-protection awareness. In other words, caregivers who took authoritative or protective parenting styles were more likely to teach their children personal safety and problem-solving strategies, and therefore enhanced their children's self-protection awareness. The results support the notion that family factors are important considerations in implementing child safety programs at home. How school-based and home-based child safety programs may complement each other in facilitating children's self-protection awareness is discussed.
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