

作者:黃淑卿許昭民 引用關係康銘顯
作者(外文):Huang, Shu-chingHsu, Chao-minKang, Ming-hsein
主題關鍵詞:貶值緊縮效果追蹤資料異質共整合檢定全修正普通最小平方法動態普通最小平方法Contractionary devaluationsHeterogeneous panelFull modified OLSDynamic OLS
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According to the traditional theory, it is expected that depreciation in domestic currency generally decreases the relative price of domestically produced goods and thereby stimulates demand for domestic export. Hence, currency depreciation can be expected to have expansionary effects on real output in Asia. But there is now enough studies evidence that currency devaluation can lead to lower rates of economic growth. So this study use more rigorous empirical model and econometric methodology examines the effect of currency devaluation on output expansion in Asian countries. The empirical results finds it depreciation exerts a positive impact on output growth in Asian countries.
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