

作者:廖國鋒 引用關係蔡宜均
作者(外文):Liaw, Gou-fongTsai, Yi-chung
主題關鍵詞:最低價格保證政策商店聲譽價值意識價格意識退費政策Price-matching guaranteesStore reputationValue consciousnessPrice consciousnessRefund policy
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Price-matching guarantees (PMG) is defined as a retailer's policy and practice of promptly matching a lower price offered by a nearby retailer on an identical or similar item or refunding the price difference for a short period after the sale has been made. A PMG may operate as an effective promotional tool for retailer and a valid market signal for consumer. It is important to understand that consumer willingness to claim a price-matching refund's process. The purpose of this paper is to discuss what are the factors influencing consumer willingness to claim the refund, by manipulation the retail channel (internet or bricks-and-mortar), store reputation, depth of refund. This variable affect the perceive difficulty of claiming the price-matching refund, the perceived service quality, the perceived likelihood of receiving the refund if request, and through them consumer willingness to claim the refund. And it is important to discuss whether value consciousness and price consciousness moderate the perceive difficulty of claiming the price-matching refund. At last, I hope that I could get some kinds of relationship to these variables and offer some managerial implications to retails.
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