

作者(外文):Peng, Ya-ching
主題關鍵詞:外語教學認知模式G. GrowH. -G. GadamerForeign language teachingCognitive model
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為了瞭解外語及其文化網絡的關係,本文透過文獻回顧,結合基模理論(scheme theory)、Grow (1996) 的認知學習模式 (cognitive learning model),以及Gadamer (1975) 的詮釋學觀點,提出文化認知模式。 全文分為五個部分。第一部分為前言,說明語言與文化認知的關係。第二部分為文獻回顧,分別就傳統的認知理論及訊息處理理論的認知方式加以闡釋;另外,就近年學者在文化模式、認知結構及基模理論等研究成果作一介紹,以瞭解與文化認知相關的議題。第三部分為建構文化認知模式。第四部分為文化認知模式的運作,具體說明文化認知模式的操作方法。第五部分為結論。
In order to understand the relationship between a foreign language and its cultural network, this article attempts to build a cultural cognitive model that is a combination of the scheme theory, the cognitive learning model (Grow, 1996) and the concepts of the pre-understanding, the hermeneutical circle, and the horizon-fusion (Gadamer, 1975) after some relevant literature has been reviewed. This article consists of five parts. Part 1 is introduction, describing the relationship between language and cultural identity. Part 2 is a literature review: the topics in it are cognitive structure (Piaget, 1964), information process, and schema theory. Part 3 tries to build a cultural cognitive model. Part 4 is the operation of cultural cognitive model. Part 5 is the conclusion.
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