

作者(外文):Wu, Hai-chu
主題關鍵詞:系統觀察排球教練訓練行為ASUOISystematic observationVolleyball coachCoaching behaviors
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The purpose of this study was to understand coaching behaviors of the elite female volleyball coach. Except the contents and styles of coaching behaviors, it also explored the cognitive process of coaching behaviors by the coach. The subject was an elite female volleyball coach in senior high school. The research methods were systematic observation and interview. The instruments were the Arizona State University Observation Instrument (ASUOI) including 14 revised behavior-categories, and the semi-interview. The results were as the following: The main behaviors of coaching were Concurrent Instruction, Direction, and Scold which spent 80.21% on coaching. Furthermore, those behaviors, Questioning, Management, Physical Assistance, and Preinstruction, were few be used on coaching. Each behavior of coaching was used in 5.94 per minute by the coach. The coach thought that the behaviors of Concurrent Instruction, Direction, and Scold were supported for instruction simultaneously, and needed to spend more time on those students to achieve the purpose of coaching. Scold was used more in coaching by the coach, and it wished the athletes to prepare the competition. In addition, those athletes needed more serious and high level of standard in coaching.
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