

作者:白亦方 引用關係
作者(外文):Pai, Yi-fong
主題關鍵詞:師資培育美國優質Teacher educationAmericaQuality
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臺灣的師資培育經過漫長而變動激烈的改革歷程,在學術界與實務界莫不引起熱烈的論辯;不論結果為何,歷史無法重現,改革無法盡如人意,然而後續的現場衝擊與理論建構,以及教學基層所衍生的種種效應,往往與政策規劃的美意出現落差。 本文除了探討臺灣師資培育制度的內涵,主要透過2009年教育部優質師資培育計畫的美國密西根州立大學(Michigan State University)、威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)、貝洛伊學院(Beloit College)參訪,輔以臺灣小學的師資培育評鑑經驗,提出對於美國師資培育底蘊精神的分析,藉此關照臺灣在師資培育制度建構上的穩健與反省必要性,同時對於「優質」的本質,進行核心概念與配套措施的探析。
There have been long and turbulent transformations for teacher education in Taiwan. Both academia and practice are involved in widespread debates. History can’t be rebuilt. No matter what the results are, reforms cannot always satisfy people. However, the subsequent impacts and theory constructions, plus various effects derived from classrooms, demonstrate a huge gap with the benign policy planning. This article tries to explore the content of teacher education in Taiwan. It focuses on the 2009 Quality Teacher Education Project, MOE-visits to Michigan State University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Beloit College, and the Taiwan teacher education evaluations. Analysis regarding the nature of American quality teacher education is presented, so to emphasize the essential soundness and reflection for Taiwan teacher education system construction. For the nature of "quality", its core concepts and related practices are provided as well.
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8.Nelson T.、B.A. Jones(2007)。The end of public in public education。Teacher Education Quarterly,Spring,5-10。  new window
9.詹家怡(2008)。自由主義論對師資培育開放政策之影響。教育資料與研究雙月刊,84,157-166。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.Leistyna, P.(2007)。Corporate testing: Standards, profit, and the demise of public sphere。Teacher Education Quarterly,34(1),59-84。  new window
11.Nelson T.、B. A. Jones(2007)。The end of public in public education。Teacher Education Quarterly,34(1),5-10。  new window
12.Cochran-Smith, M.(2005)。The new teacher education: For better or for worse?。Educational Researcher,34(7),3-17。  new window
13.Honawar, V.(2006)。Prominent Teacher-Educator Assails Field, Suggests New Accrediting Body in Report。Education Week,26(4),1-19。  new window
1.白亦方主筆(2008)。九十六年度國民小學師資類科評鑑報告。  延伸查詢new window
2.吳武典(2005)。師資培育政策計劃書。  延伸查詢new window
3.吳武典(2005)。師資培育政策計劃書。  延伸查詢new window
1.蔡清華(1997)。美國師資培育改革研究。高雄:高雄復文。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.彭煥勝(2007)。消失中的台灣師範教育:轉機或危機。教育改革的挑戰與省思。高雄。  延伸查詢new window
3.黃嘉莉(2008)。臺灣解嚴以來中小學師資培育的變革。解嚴以來臺灣教育改革的省思。台北。  延伸查詢new window
4.彭煥勝(2007)。消失中的台灣師範教育:轉機或危機。教育改革的挑戰與省思。高雄。  延伸查詢new window
5.黃嘉莉(2008)。臺灣解嚴以來中小學師資培育的變革。解嚴以來臺灣教育改革的省思。台北。  延伸查詢new window
1.白亦方(2008)。九十六年度國民小學師資類科評鑑報告。  延伸查詢new window
2.成怡夏(2009)。老鳥帶新手,美國師培新方法。  延伸查詢new window
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2.湯維玲(2007)。師資培育理念與實踐之對話:教育專業課程之調查研究。教育改革的挑戰與省思。高雄:麗文。  延伸查詢new window
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