

作者(外文):Tseng, Hsi-pengWu, Chen-hung
主題關鍵詞:民宿休閒度假旅館休閒產業品牌個性Bed and breakfaseResort hotelLeisure industryBrand personality
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爲提昇國內休閒住宿產業之品質與競爭力,政府部門與旅館業者已開始導入品牌的經營概念,觀光領域亦開始著重旅館產業品牌之研究,然研究數量仍屬少數。在品牌理論中,「品牌個性」 (brand personality) 是一個重要的概念,亦爲品牌建構重要的目標,然過去研究尚未對此議題進行探討。本研究即從品牌理論中「品牌個性」觀點切入,以Aaker(1997)之品牌個性尺度(brand personality scale; BPS)爲工具,並選取溪頭地區八家休閒渡假飯店為研究對象,實證分析休閒住宿產業之品牌個性內涵,以及品牌個性對於潛在遊客住宿意願的影響。主要研究結果發現:(1)旅館產業之品牌個性結構包含BPS中之「真誠」、「刺激」、「稱職」、「教養」四個構面,共計10個面向,顯示Aaker之BPS應用於住宿產業具有可行性;(2)潛在遊客對於溪頭地區八家休閒渡假飯店具有不同的品牌個性認知,其中以「真誠」的認知最強,顯示休閒渡假飯店可藉由品牌個性的塑造來產生差異化;(3)品牌個性中之「真誠」、「稱職」及「教養」三個構面對於潛在遊客之住宿意願有顯著正向的影響,其中又以「真誠」之效果最強。
In recent years, the tourism sector, resort hotel operators, as well as the academic researches have started applying the brand theory to tourism industries in order to improve the service quality and enhance the competitiveness. Nevertheless, more fundamental researches are still needed to enrich the knowledge on how brand components work in resort hotel industry. Brand personality has been proved to be an important dimension in brand structure. It's also an important objective in brand building. Prior researches in resort hotel branding have not paid much attention on this issue. Thus, the study analyzed the brand personality of resort hotels by using the "brand personality scale" developed by Aaker (1997) as measurement scale, and eight resort hotels located in Si-tou area were selected as targets for empirical testing. The main findings are as follows: (1) brand personality structure of resort hotels are composed by four of the five dimensions, and ten facets of the 15 ones in BPS. The four dimensions are: Sincerity, Excitement, Competence, and Sophistication; (2) the potential tourists have significant different perceptions on brand personality among the eight hotels, which indicates that brand personality can serve as strategy for differentiate hotel services; (3) three brand personality dimensions have been proved to have significant positive influences on tourist purchase intension, in which Sincerity plays the most important role. Some suggestions for hotel marketers were also provided.
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