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1.李偉強、簡淑芬、陳玉枝、黃東波、李建賢、李壽東(20080600)。中文版病人安全態度問卷信效度分析。臺灣公共衛生雜誌,27(3),214-222。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.鄭嘉惠、張嘉晃、王拔群(20080300)。病人安全文化調查初報--以某醫學中心為例。輔仁醫學期刊,6(1),19-30。  延伸查詢new window
3.Colla, J. B.、Bracken, A. C.、Kinney, L. M.、Weeks, W. B.(2005)。Measuring Patient Safety Climate: A Review of Surveys。Quality and Safety in Health Care,14(5),364-366。  new window
4.Nieva, V. F.、Sorra, J.(2003)。Safety Culture Assessment: A Tool for Improving Patient Safety in Healthcare Organizations。Quality and Safety in Health Care,12(Suppl. 2),17-23。  new window
5.羅健銘、張斐綾、廖熏香、李偉強(20080700)。病人安全文化分析。醫療品質雜誌,2(4),68-73。new window  延伸查詢new window
6.Weingart, S. N.、Farbstein, K.、Davis, R. B.、Philips, R. S.(2004)。Using a multihospital survey to examine the safety culture。Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety,30(3),125-132。  new window
7.Modak, I.、Sexton, J. B.、Lux, T. R.、Helmreich, R. L.、Thomas, E. J.(2007)。Measuring safety culture in the ambulatory setting: the safety attitudes questionnaire。Journal of General Internal Medicine,22(1),1-5。  new window
8.Sexton, J. B.、Makary, M. A.、Tersigni, A. R.、Pryor, D.、Hendrich, A.、Thomas, E. J.、Holzmueller, C. G.、Andrew, P.、Knight, A. P.、Wu, Y.、Pronovost, P. J.(2006)。Teamwork in the operating room: frontline perspectives among hospitals and operating room personnel。Anesthesiology,105(5),877-884。  new window
9.Pronovost, P. J.、Goeschel, C. A.、Marsteller, J. A.、Sexton, J. B.、Pham, J. C.、Berenholtz, S. M.(2009)。Framework for patient safety research and improvement。Circulation,119(2),330-337。  new window
10.Pronovost, P. J.、Sexton, J. B.(2005)。Assessing safety culture: guidelines and recommendations。Quality and Safety in Health Care,14(4),231-233。  new window
11.Relihan, E.、Glynn, S.、Daly, D.、Silke, B.、Ryder, S.(2009)。Measuring and benchmarking safety culture: application of the safety attitudes questionnaire to an acute medical admissions unit。Irish Journal of Medical Science,178(4),433-439。  new window
12.Sexton, J. B.、Holzmueller, C. G.、Pronovost, P. J.(2006)。Variation in caregiver perceptions of teamwork climate in labor and delivery units。Journal of Perinatology,26(8),463-470。  new window
13.Huang, D. T.、Clermont, G.、Sexton, J. B.(2007)。Perceptions of safety culture vary across the intensive care units of a single institution。Critical Care Medicine,35(1),165-176。  new window
14.李偉強(20070000)。病人安全文化調查與對提高醫療安全的應用。中華民國重症醫學雜誌,8(4),175-183。  延伸查詢new window
15.Deilkas, E. T.、Hofoss, D.(2008)。Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ)。BMC Health Services Research,8,191。  new window
16.Sexton, J. B.、Helmreich, R. L.、Neilands, T. B.、Rowan, K.、Vella, K.、Boyden, J.、Roberts, P. R.、Thomas, E. J.(2006)。The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire: Psychometric Properties, Benchmarking Data, and Emerging Research。BMC Health Services Research,6(1),(44)1-(44)10。  new window
1.Sexton, J. B.、Thomas, E. J.、Helmreich, R. L.。Frontline assessments of healthcare culture: safety attitudes questionnaire norms and psychometric properties (計畫編號:AHRQ Grant # 1P01HS1154401)。The University of Texas Center of Excellence for Patient Safety Research and Practice。  new window
2.Sexton, J. B.、Thomas, E. J.。The Safety Climate Survey: Psychometric and Benchmarking Properties (計畫編號:AHRQ grant# 1P01HS1154401)。The University of Texas Center of Excellence for Patient Safety Research and Practice。  new window
1.Frankel, A.、Leonard, M.、Simmonds, T.、Haraden, C.、Vega, K. B.(2009)。The Essential Guide for Patient Safety Officers。Joint Commission Resources。  new window
1.陶阿倫。信賴區間,http://www.qi.org.tw/qipb/EDU/FAQ/faql_c.asp。  new window
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