

作者:邱文信 引用關係
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過去在「投擲動作發展」或「投擲教學」領域均未探討練習過程「進步幅 度差異」的年齡及性別效應,而「進步幅度差異」是代表個體在某個年齡層準 備就緒與否的重要指標。目的:探討7 到12 歲男、女童站立過肩投擲動作型 式與投擲距離之年齡及性別進步幅度差異。方法:共153 位7 到12 歲男、女 童經過投擲練習,配合高速攝影機 (JVC 9800, 120Hz) 紀錄動作型式,並以單 手用力過肩投擲形式評量表為工具分析動作型式,同時測量投擲距離。以二因 子變異數分析年齡與性別是否在練習後投擲距離及投擲動作型式在進步幅度 上有顯著差異 (α=.05) 。結果:男生投擲距離進步幅度顯著優於女生,女生 動作型式進步幅度顯著優於男生。不同年齡層在距離及動作型式進步幅度上均 沒有顯著不同。結論:本研究探討站立過肩投擲之年齡及性別在練習後「進步 幅度」差異之結果較以往僅進行「投擲能力調查」研究結果顯著不同,顯示動 作發展研究領域探討發展差異時應一併將進步幅度列入重要變項。
1.陳俊汕(20080800)。練習與運動技能學習。嘉大體育健康休閒,7:2,頁208-218。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Adams, D.(2001)。The relative effectiveness of three instructional strategies on the learning of an overarm throw for force。Physical Educator,58(2),67-77。  new window
3.Stodden, D. F.、Fleisig, G. S.、McLean, S. P.、Andrews, J. R.(2005)。Relationship of biomechanical factors to baseball pitching velocity: within pitcher variation。Journal of Applied Biomechanics,21(1),44-56。  new window
4.Bartlett, R.、Muller, E.、Lindinger, S.、Brunner, Fritz、Morriss, C.(1996)。Three-Dimensional Evaluation of the Kinematic Release Parameters for Javelin Throwers of Different Skill Levels。Journal of Applied Biomechanics,12,58-71。  new window
5.Burton, A. W.、Greer, N. L.、Wiese-Bjornstal, D. M.(1992)。Changes in overhand throwing patterns could be regarded as a function of ball size。Pediatric Exercise Science,4,50-67。  new window
6.Langendorfer, S. J.、Roberton, M. A.(2002)。Individual pathways in the development of forceful throwing。Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,73(3),245-256。  new window
7.李村棋、卓俊伶(19981200)。工作限制對國小學童投擲動作型式的影響。體育學報,26,225-232。new window  延伸查詢new window
8.胡悅倫(1987)。親子關係中的性別差異。學生輔導通訊,48,70-81。  延伸查詢new window
9.尚憶薇、沈正雄(2008)。提升兒童參與運動健身之動機策略。大專體育,97,83-86。new window  延伸查詢new window
10.Roberton, M.、Konczak, J.(2001)。Predicting children's overarm throw ball velocities from their developmental levels in throwing。Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,72,91-103。  new window
11.Runion, B. P.、Roberton, M. A.、Langendorfer, S. J.(2003)。Forceful overarm throwing: A comparison of two cohorts measured 20 years apart。Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,74(3),324-330。  new window
12.van den Tillaar, R.(2004)。Effect of different training programs on the velocity of overarm throwing: A brief review。Journal of strength and conditioning research,18(2),388-396。  new window
13.van den Tillaar, R.、Ettema, G .(2003)。Instructions emphasizing velocity, accuracy, or both in performance and kinematics of overarm throwing by experienced team handball players。Perceptual & Motor Skills,97(3),731-742。  new window
14.Burton, A. W.、Greer, N. L.、Wiese-Bjornstal, D. M.(1993)。Variations in grasping and throwing patterns as a function of ball size。Pediatric Exercise Science,5,25-41。  new window
15.Fleisig, G. S.、Barrentine, S. W.(1995)。Biomechanical aspects of the elbow in sports。Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review,3,149-159。  new window
16.Fradet, L.、Botcazou, M.、Durocher, C.、Cretual, A.、Multon, F., Prioux, J.(2004)。Do handball throws always exhibit a proximal-to distal segmental sequences?。Journal of Sports Sciences,22,439-447。  new window
17.Nelson, K. R.、Thomas, J. R.、Nelson, J. K.(1991)。Longitudinal change in throwing performance: Gender difference。Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,62(1),105-108。  new window
1.Haubenstricker, J., Branta, C.、Seefeldt, V.(1983)。Preliminary validation of developmental sequences for throwing and catching。East Lansing, MI。  new window
1.姚璠(2001)。父母的運動樂趣對運動參與程度、運動鼓勵的影響及與兒童運動知覺能力關係之研究(碩士論文)。國立體育學院。  延伸查詢new window
2.劉純忠(2005)。四至六歲男童立定跳遠動作與成績表現之研究(碩士論文)。國立體育學院。  延伸查詢new window
3.李宏展(2003)。國小六年級學童投擲技巧認知概念與動作型式對投擲距離之影響(碩士論文)。國立體育學院。  延伸查詢new window
4.邱文信(2004)。結合縱貫式與橫斷式方法探討9歲到11歲兒童投擲距離表現相關因素之研究--以動態系統觀點(博士論文)。國立體育學院。new window  延伸查詢new window
5.陳建行(2006)。六至八歲男童身體協調能力、肌力與投擲動作表現之相關研究(碩士論文)。國立體育學院。  延伸查詢new window
6.林建豪(1998)。國小中高年級學童運動能力發展之研究(碩士論文)。國立體育學院,桃園縣。  延伸查詢new window
7.Luedlke, G. C.(1980)。Range of motion as the focus of teaching the overhand throwing pattern to children。Indiana University,Bloomington。  new window
1.Payne, V. G.、Isaacs, L. D.(2002)。Human motor development: A lifespan approach。McGraw-Hill。  new window
2.Keogh, J.、Sugden, D.(1985)。Movement skill development。New York:Macmillan publishing company。  new window
3.Duda, J. L.,、Treasure, D. C.(2001)。Toward optimal motivation in sport: Fostering athlets' competence and sense of control。Applied sport psychology: Personal growth to peak performance。Mountain View, CA。  new window
4.Garcia, C.、Garcia, L.(2002)。Examing developmental changes in throwing。Motor Development Research and Reviews。Reston, VA。  new window
1.Halverson, L. E.、Roberton, M. A.(1979)。The effects of instruction on overhand throwing development in children。Psychology of Motor Behavior and Sport-1978。Champaign:Human Kinetics Publishers。  new window
2.Roberton, M. A.(1984)。Changing motor patterns in childhood。Motor development in childhood and adolescence。Minneapolis, MN:Burgess。  new window
3.Newell, K. M.(1986)。Constraint on the development of coordination。Motor development in children: Aspects of coordination and control。Boston。  new window
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