

作者:耿慶瑞 引用關係廖子賢
作者(外文):Keng, Ching-juiLiao, Tze-hsien
主題關鍵詞:購後失調滿意度再購意圖抱怨意圖縱貫性研究Post-purchase dissonanceSatisfactionRepurchase intentionComplaint intentionLongitudinal study
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消費者購後失調是認知失調理論(Festinger, 1957)之延伸。過去文獻認為,購後失調對消費者購後評價產生負面後果,然這些後果變數多為個別概念性的闡述,實值得進行整合性的因果實證。本研究參考消費者購後後悔模型(Tsiros and Mittal, 2000),試圖探討與整合購後失調之後果變數,並利用結構方程模型(SEM)進行假說檢定。此外,購後失調產生的前提條件為:購買決策是重要、自願且不可改變的(Bawa and Kansal, 2009; Cummings and Venkatesan, 1976; Oliver, 1997),是以,本研究透過縱貫性研究(Longitudinal Study)針對真實購買3C產品之消費者進行調查,共得有效樣本142份。實證結果發現,購後失調對滿意度有顯著負向影響;購後失調對再購意圖有顯著負向影響;購後失調對抱怨意圖有顯著正向影響;滿意度對再購意圖有顯著正向影響;滿意度對抱怨意圖有顯著負向影響;滿意度部分中介(Partially Mediate)購後失調與再購意圖、抱怨意圖。
The post-purchase dissonance theory was developed from the cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957). Via literature review, this study determined that post-purchase dissonance may cause negative results of consumer evaluation. However, some of past studies described the concepts and warranted further empirical and integrative study. This study applied post-purchase regret model (Tsiros and Mittal, 2000) to explore and integrate consequences of post-purchase dissonance and tested hypotheses with structural equation modeling (SEM). Besides, dissonance may arise under three conditions: the purchase decision is important, irrevocable and voluntary (Bawa and Kansal, 2009; Cummings and Venkatesan, 1976; Oliver, 1997; Soutar and Sweeney, 2003). Hence, a longitudinal study was executed. In total, 142 valid questionnaires were collected from consumers who purchase computer, communication, and consumer electronic (3C) products. Results suggest that post-purchase dissonance negatively influences satisfaction and repurchase intention and positively influences complaint intention. Additionally, satisfaction influences repurchase intention positively and influences complaint intention negatively. Furthermore, satisfaction is a partial mediated variable between post-purchase dissonance and repurchase intention and between post-purchase dissonance and complaint intention. The proposed model has an acceptable fit based on
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