

作者:陳榮章王琦正 引用關係駱俊霖
作者(外文):Chen, Rong ZhangWang, Qi ZhengLuo, Jun Lin
主題關鍵詞:同儕互動回饋教師口語回饋自我控制回饋棒球Peer interpersonal feedbackTeacher feedbackSelf-controlled feedbackBaseball
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The parposes of this study were: to examine the effects of peer interpersonal feedbacks on the achievement and motivation of low ability students on baseball swing. The participants of the study were 240 male and female junior high school from eight classes of physical activities program. According to the data analyzing, 120 of those students were chosen, who have baseball swing results in the pre-test and don't attain the standard-50% in testing results. Methods: An experimental method with a random selection, three treatments were the peer interpersonal feedback, the teacher feedback and self-controlled feedback. The data was analyzed by one-way ANCOVA and a following up test by LSD. Results: 1. The results indicated that of peer interpersonal feedback and teacher feedback obviously was a significant higher than that of the self-controlled feedback. However, the peer interpersonal feedback condition was not significantly different from the teacher feedback condition. 2. The achievement motivation of the peer interpersonal feedback obviously was higher than that of the teacher feedback and self-controlled feedback. In addition, the teacher feedback condition was not significantly different from the self-controlled feedback condition. Conclusions: The peer interpersonal feedback was one of benefits for low ability students and also in the achievement motivation during the baseball swing skill learning setting. The implications for peer interpersonal feedback use of motivation strategies for physical abilities program and future research were discussed.
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