

作者:黃國恩 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Kuo-en
主題關鍵詞:知覺教練效能知覺教練支持階層迴歸分析運動團隊Perceived coaching efficacyPerceived coach supportHierarchical regression analysisSport team
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Purpose: This study investigated the relationship between the perceived coaching efficacy, team commitment and professional commitment of Judo team members. Method: Surveyed 20 teams and analyzed data from 513 Judo, athletes from the physical education departments of several universities and senior high schools across Taiwan. Results: Perceived coaching efficacy was positively associated with team commitment and professional commitment, and negatively associated. Conclusion: When Judo team members' perception of their coaches' coaching efficacy was high, they were highly committed to their athlete group and their athlete profession. Finally, this paper discussed the different effects of perceived coaching efficacy dimensions on team commitment, professional and commitment, and provided suggestions for future research.
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