

作者(外文):Wang, Tzu-hsiung
主題關鍵詞:監督國際貨幣基金行為規範匯率牙買加協定國際收支外匯管制金融危機SurveillanceInternational monetary fundCode of conductExchange rateJamaica AccordsBalance of paymentsExchange restrictionsFinancial crisis
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Scrutiny of members' economic policies has always been one of the functions of the IMF. Indeed, the concept of a degree of oversight of the international monetary system, undertaken by an international organization and based on some common framework of norms for the economic policies of individual countries, originated with the League of Nations, although the League was a political rather than economic organization. In the immediate postwar period, the IMF's main task, in addition to the oversight of the Bretton Woods par value system, was to encourage members to move toward current account convertibility. And surveillance, chronologically, is a creature after collapse of Bretton Woods. It is to be expected that any comprehensive evaluation of the Fund's surveillance activities will touch upon an impressive range of issues. In practice, it is clear that Fund surveillance is far from being one unified concept. In fact, as currently practiced, surveillance reflects a number of overlapping but conceptually distinct purposes. Being into substantial discourse, the study traversed the history of surveillance and analyzed the normative structure of Article IV of Fund Agreement, monetary sovereignty, principles, procedures, and practices of surveillance currently. Furthermore, it is spelt out that the meaning of consultation under surveillance in international dispute settlement perspective.
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