

題名:The Application and Presentation of the Group-level Cataloguing Function in the Archaeological Artifact Database
作者(外文):Huang, Ting-yuLin, Yu-yun
主題關鍵詞:合編功能考古遺物資料庫合編關係Group-level cataloguingArchaeological artifact databaseGroup-level relationship type
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中央研究院歷史語言研究所的考古工作成果,以 1949年為分界線,包括兩大部分:一是 1949年以前史語所在中國大陸所進行的考古發掘,另一則是 1949年史語所搬遷來臺以後,在臺灣所進行的考古發掘及研究成果。典藏的考古資料極為龐大而複雜,除了田野文件、照片之外,還有大量的出土遺物,涵括的區域廣褒,時間縱軸深。本所自2002年開始進行「考古遺物、照片、紀錄與檔案」數位典藏計畫,將所藏的考古發掘出土遺物以及田野相關文件、影像予以數位化,並建置「考古資料數位典藏資料庫」。目前已有超過 59,000筆的資料完成數位化並上線供民眾使用,其中考古遺物就占了57,000餘筆。 史語所考古遺物在整理及數位化的過程中,並非單純的以一件遺物建一筆資料即可,還必須顧及:一、由於其出土系絡而有成套成組關係的特色;二、由於歷經顛沛的搬遷,部件標本分開登錄;三、經過深入研究,而持續拼合甲骨;四、具有考古學意義的呈現方式——同類成組。為了解決上述狀況,並在資料庫中呈現出更符合具考古學意義的遺物資料,我們於著錄系統中開發了合編功能,並利用此一功能,建立遺物與遺物之間的各種關係,包括成套、拼合、部件以及類組關係,讓遺物不僅以單件典藏於資料庫,更能成套、成組的呈現出更多的意義以及研究成果。 本文旨在分享本計畫利用此一功能,將其進一步轉化為考古遺物數位化建置所需的成套、部件、拼合、類組等關係,以俾成功地達到考古遺物於整理、研究及資料庫呈現上的需求。
The archaeological work of the Institute of History and Philology (IHP), Academia Sinica, can be divided into two periods: seasons of excavation first carried out in Mainland China during 1928 and 1949 and then conducted in Taiwan after 1949, when the IHP relocated to Taiwan following the civil war. Due to these two periods of excavation, archaeological data and materials stored at the IHP are numerous and diversified, comprising various media and covering both a wide geographical area and a broad span of time. They include fieldnotes, photos, and numerous artifacts. In 2002, the IHP launched the Digital Archives of Archaeological Data Project to digitize this large collection. At present, more than 59,000 records—including more than 57,000 artifacts—are available on-line. Digitizing IHP’s archaeological artifacts is not as simple as creating one record for each individual artifact, because the process is subject to the following factors: 1. Some artifacts belong in sets according to their archaeological context. 2. Components of a single artifact are sometimes catalogued as individual objects in different records due to relocations in IHP’s history. 3. As a result of advances in research, fragmented oracle bones can now be rejoined. 4. Archaeological artifacts have to be grouped by types as this provides a foundation for archaeological research. To address the conditions stated above and, meanwhile, to better suit the need of cataloguing archaeological artifacts, we designed a “group-level cataloguing function” t o establish different relationships between the artifacts, including set, rejoined fragment, component, and typological group, in the database. This function allows us to record artifacts not only as individual objects, but also as parts of various groups. While retaining the archaeological information of the artifacts, this method also provides the flexibility of incorporating new findings from research into artifact cataloguing. This essay will demonstrate the ways in which we developed the solution.
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2.石璋如(1970)。Hsiao-Tun (The Yin-Shang Site at Anyang, Honan) the site its discovery and excavations fascicle 3: Burials of the Northern Section。Archaeologia Sinica。Taipei。  new window
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