

作者(外文):Pong, Yu-ting
主題關鍵詞:肺結核隔離傳染病TuberculosisIsolationInfectious illness
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This article discusses a pulmonary tuberculosis patient's feelings of helplessness isolation and fear of therapy. The observation period was from August24 to Sep. 9, 2006. I collected the data from physical examination, interviews, observation, and discussions with the medical team that was there during the patient’s admission. I found health problems via 11 items of Gordon health function, such as anxiety, nutrition disequilibrium, and social contact isolation. Through much patience and toleration. I was able to gain the patient' trust. I continually encouraged and accompanied the patient through the difficulties of therapy, I also encouraged the patient's family to do the same. The support of family and friends will help the patient face his illness, help him make the transition home, and help him to follow through with thither treatment. I share my nursing experience as a reference for others who might care for people with pulmonary tuberculosis.
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