

題名:管理者個人特質對聯盟合作關係風險知覺之影響 : 以定期航商為例
作者(外文):Yang, Ya-ling
主題關鍵詞:關係風險個人特質聯盟合作Relational riskPersonal characteristicStrategic alliance
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定期航商間的聯盟合作相當普遍,航商從合作中獲得不少利益,但聯盟合作可能會導致航商間的利益衝突,及企業間動態管理的困難,致使聯盟的績效無法如預期。定期航商需了解這些風險並以系統化的方式管理他們。 本研究從定期航商管理者的角度,探討定期航商聯盟合作時知覺到的關係風險因素構面、及關係風險與管理者個人特質的關係。研究結果發現:第一,可將定期航商的管理者關係風險知覺因素分成四個構面,包括『自利行為』、『缺乏分享與溝通』、『文化衝突』、及『損失重要資源』;第二,管理者個人屬性特徵、工作經驗、合作經驗的不同,使得在不同的關係風險知覺因素構 面有顯著差異;最後發現定期航商管理者的風險知覺與個人特質中的年齡、性別、及對他人的信任有顯著相關。
This research aims to the perception of relational risk in the context of strategic alliances of liner shipping companies. Perceived relational risk among liner shipping companies refers to the degree to which managers’ are concerned with the partner’s opportunistic behavior in cooperative efforts. This study develops a measure of perceived relational risk for managers while cooperating among liner shipping companies, and empirically examines some of its personal correlates. Based on a survey of decision maker of liner shipping companies, this study supports for the principal hypothesis that the perception of relational risk for prospective cooperating alliances of liner shipping companies is related to manager’s age, gender, and trust in people.
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