

作者:李雅婷 引用關係
作者(外文):Lee, Ya-ting
主題關鍵詞:品德教育敘事敘事教材師資培育課程Character educationNarrativeNarrative subject materialsPre-service teacher curriculum
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Although the position of character education in school education became a hidden curriculum after curriculum reform, it continued to be a key objective of school curriculum. From the evidence of research, stories as a curriculum and instruction strategies help students understand more about the real world and how to shape their self-identity. More importantly, they also prove that the values of stories are able to promote the motives and effectiveness of learning. From the previous points, pre-service teachers should cultivate the capability of planning character education materials in a narrative. The main purpose of this study is to develop the narrative-based character education subject material for 3(superscript rd) to 4(superscript th) grade elementary school students in order to integrate the educational profession intelligence of pre-service teachers. An action research approach was conducted. The conclusions and suggestions were provided as follows: 1) The performance approach of pre-service teacher education which puts emphasis on "understanding by doing" and how it helps to promote the professional intelligence of education and the learning about imagination. 2) The characteristics of narrative-based character education subject material developed were as follows: psychological, cultural, aesthetic, and pedagogical domain. And the relation to live experiences and reflection was the highlight of the product. 3) There were two major difficulties in developing the subject material in training time and the integration of resources; there should be a further research for the rationale, criteria of evaluation, and form of the narrative.
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