

作者:張峻詠 引用關係林瑞興 引用關係林耀豐 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Chun-yungLin, Jui-hsingLin, Yaw-feng
主題關鍵詞:接棒方法大隊接力Baton methodThe relay
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本研究主要目的在探討不同接棒方法對國小學童大隊接力成績影響之研究,以高雄市楠梓國民小學6 年級學童為研究對象,共8 選個班級,每班男、女生各10 位選手,共160 位學生,六年級男童80 位(年齡為11.3±0.5歲、身高為150.5±6.8 公分、體重為42.5±10.5 公斤),及六年級女童80位(年齡為11.3±0.5 歲、身高為151.0±7.0 公分、體重為43.3±8.7 公斤), 進行1 個半月的大隊接力測驗,本實驗所進行的3 種接力方法為不換手、左接右傳、右接左傳,所得數據採重複量數單因子變異數分析,考驗不同接力模式(不換手模式A)、(換手模式B-左接右傳)及(換手模式C-右接左傳)之間交互作用情形,若達到顯著水準則進一步考驗單純主要效果,若達到顯著水準,以杜凱法 (Tukey) 進行事後比較。顯著水準皆定為 α=.05。研究r 結果顯示不換手成績平均為(361.13±8.67 秒)、左接右傳成績平均為(358±9.52 秒)、右接左傳成績平均為(367±8.81 秒),顯示3 種不同的接棒方法達顯著性差異(F=41.23,p<0.5),且經由杜凱法 (Tukey) 進行事後比較得知,左接右傳成績最快,不換手成績其次,左接右傳成績最慢。
This study aimed to evaluate the different methods on primary school children taking over the relay, the impact results to year 6 National Kaohsiung elementary school children to study, choose a total of 8 classes, each class boys and girls of all 10 players, A total of 160 students, 80 sixth-grade boys (age 11.3± 0.5 years, height 150.5 ± 6.8 cm, weight 42.5 ± 10.5 kg), and 80 sixth-grade girls (age 11.3 ± 0.5 years, height 151.0 ± 7.0 cm, weight 43.3 ± 8.7 kg) for one month and a half of the relay test, carried out this experiment 3 relay method does not change hands, from left to right pass, right then zuo, repeat the data mining volume number of single-factor analysis of variance test different relay mode (no handoff mode A), (B-mode handoff left to right pass) and (C-Right then handoff mode zuo) the interaction between the situation, if criteria to achieve significant water test of simple main effects further, if you reach a significant level, to Du, France (Tukey) to conduct post hoc comparison. Significant level are set at α =. 05. The results show that performance does not change hands on average (361.13 ± 8.67 seconds), left to right transfer performance was (358 ± 9.52 seconds), the right access zuo performance was (367 ± 8.81 seconds), the heir to display 3 different ways up to a significant difference (F = 41.23, p <0.5), and by (Tukey) post hoc comparison were conducted that, can be learned later, left to right pass the fastest performance,handoff performance is not followed, left to right pass the slowest performance.
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