

作者:黃東陽 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Tung Yang
主題關鍵詞:杜光庭錄異記道教小說志怪小說唐五代Du GuangtingThe Collection of Strange PhenomenaTaoist storyWeird novelTang and the Five Dynasties
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唐末道教領袖杜光庭除了匯合唐以來的道教義理,更集結有唐以來各類仙 傳及仙話,撰有多種道教小說。其中《錄異記》竟採用六朝的筆法撰成,集 結當時的諸種傳言及新聞,意欲證成道教信仰的真實及價值,就體例及命意而 言,皆甚特出。故本文以此書作為研究文本,由此解構杜氏如何以群眾所認定 「異」的觀念,去釐分和擴充以建立道教聖俗分判的基礎,藉此研議,自可對 道教小說的意涵,能有更精確的掌握。本文已發現此書係採取肯定世俗的態 度,接受群體意識,用以組構起和眾人思緒相合的世界圖貌,也用此交代個人 的生命歷程及物理流轉的原理。杜氏以順從集體意識為方法,卻復以道教義理 詮釋社會中的異事,成為道教說帖之一例:就空間的建構而言,除將舊有仙境 的神聖觀念,定義成可以尋得的名山福地,又將道觀置納在此神聖空間之內, 已讓地上形成了由仙境、道觀延展至人間具品類高下的差別區域,神聖空間外 群居社會雖亦是天意貫徹的結果,卻屬於必趨向變化及毀壞的場域;就人物來 說,則用「能力」作為主要的評斷品類的標準。惟擁有辨識世上單一事物能力 的異人,其能力是可由練習和經驗累積而獲取,無法和進入道門修法的道徒相 較,因道徒的能力乃出於知悉及掌控道法而來,尤其有道者已近於全知全能的 超人,再就此去推想仙人生命的優越,形成由常人至仙體具高下分別的生命境 界。由杜光庭《錄異記》以容攝主流思想去說服眾人信從道教的方式及意圖 中,道出即令宗教意欲維繫的絕對神聖,也必得走向人群,屈從於世俗集體意 識的現實。
Du Guangting, the Taoist religion leader of the late Tang Dynasty, not only converged the Taoist principles and gathered biographies of immortals and myths since the beginning of Tang Dynasty, but also compiled several collections of Taoist stories. Among them, The Collection of Strange Phenomena was written in the style of the Six Dynasties. It gathered contemporary legends and news, in order to successfully prove the truthfulness and value of the Taoist faith. Its literary style and main points are very unique. This book adapted a positive attitude and accepted the group consciousness. Based on the image of the public, it also established the world’s 3D map, the individual fate and the physical law. Although Du followed the collective consciousness, he used Taoist principles to explain strange phenomena in the society, which became the foundation of preaching Taoist religion. In terms of space, the author defined the traditional concept of “Holy Space” in the fairyland as accessible famous mountains and blessed land, and the common Taoist temples, thus established regions ranking from the fairyland to Taoist temples and the world of mortals. As for the characters in these stories, the author used the ability as the main ranking criterion and established the biological realm with ranks from common men to the immortals. Realizing that a religion must go to the people and yield to the trend of the secular world, Du Guangting incorporated the thought of the main trend and attempted to covert people to the Taoist religion.
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