

書刊名:屏東教育大學學報. 人文社會類
作者:徐泫仕林孟彥 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsu, Hsuan-shihLin, Tom M. Y.
主題關鍵詞:不滿意負面口碑品牌轉換抱怨行為DissatisfactionNegative WOMBrand switchingComplaining behavior
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近年來,由於消費者意識的高漲與企業競爭的激烈,使得消費者 的不滿意行為受到學術界與實務界的高度重視。以往研究顯示遭受不滿意經驗的消費者會進行不滿意行為,然而,事實上不滿意行為並非必然發生。本研究以消費者不滿意行為為研究基礎,並分為抱怨、負面口碑與品牌轉換三種不滿意行為反應,藉由深度訪談的方式找出消費者不滿意行為的原因。研究發現,不滿意消費者「傳播負面口碑和轉換品牌而不抱怨」的原因有抱怨有效性、管道暢通性、抱怨成本與人格特質;「進行抱怨和傳播負面口碑而不轉換品牌」的原因有轉換成本、廠商優勢與產品屬性;「進行抱怨和轉換品牌而不傳播負面口碑」的原因有責任歸因、話題共通性與廠商資訊性。研究結果不僅可協助企業了解不滿意消費者的反應行為比重,將企業有限資源精準地聚焦在顧客需求上,更可釐清消費者不滿意行為的動機,並據以提出應對方式與解決方案,減少消費者面臨不滿意服務時所衍生的行為,再透過具體方式鼓勵消費者主動發聲,與消費者形成一個良好的互動循環。
With the rising of consumer awareness and corporate competitiveness in recent decades, both the academics and practitioners are more emphasizing on consumer dissatisfaction behaviors. Scholars indicated that consumers who encountered dissatisfied experiences would have dissatisfied behaviors; however, dissatisfied consumers do not necessarily engage in dissatisfaction behaviors actually. This research bases on consumer dissatisfaction behaviors, divides into complaining, negative word-of-mouth, and brand switching accordingly, and attempts to filter out the reasons why consumers do not engage in dissatisfaction behaviors by in-depth interviewing. The findings are that the reasons of dissatisfied consumers who both communicate negative WOM and switch brand without complaining are complaining effectiveness, channel capability, complaining cost, and personality trait; the reasons of both complaining and communicating negative WOM without switching brand are transforming cost, corporate advantage, and product attribution; and the last, the reasons of both complaining and switching brand without communicating negative WOM are responsibility attribution, topic commonality, and corporate informativity. Results can help corporate understand the ratio of dissatisfied consumers in different response regions, clarify the reasons of dissatisfied consumer behaviors, and find corresponding solutions accordingly to reduce the dissatisfaction behaviors by consumers. Finally, this research also helps corporate build a virtuous circle with consumers by encouraging them to voice out through constructive ways.
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