

作者:陳偉華 引用關係
主題關鍵詞:不對稱作戰不對稱戰力不對稱威脅Asymmetric warfareAsymmetric war power buildingAsymmetric threats
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提  要 凡戰爭蘳鮮少處於完全對稱狀態下簉行蘳而「不對稱作戰」是歷史經驗下的產 物蘳反映出「強弱」、「大小」、「先後」、「高低」等差距與對立辯證關係蘳並與 各國軍事實力不同、威脅感受不同、以及相對戰力建構不同而有所不同。本文研究 發現蘳經由概念建立至實證檢驗蘳「不對稱作戰」與「不對稱戰力」兩者之間蘳呈 現的是體用、互證與因果等交互關係。
Abstract Few fighting parties in war could be carried out in a state of symmetry. Asymmetric warfare is produced by historical experiences, an inflection of dialectic relations between “strong vs weak”,“big vs small”,“advantaged vs disadvantaged”, and“high vs low”. All these have something to do with different levels of military strength, threat perceptions, and war fighting power building of states. This study has found that the relationship between asymmetric warfare and asymmetric war power establishment through theoretical building and practical assessment demonstrates links based on dialectic, mutual-enhanced and causal effects.
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