

主題關鍵詞:戰爭論重心基輔會戰巴巴羅薩戰役On WarCenter of gravityCOGBattle of KievOperation of Barbarossa
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Abstract 1. The military thoughts Mao Tse-tung have been leading PRC’ s military strategy. However, the Sino-Vietnam War-1979 and the two Gulf Wars have apparently showed the insufficiency of modernization of it’ s national defense, and result in the change of the meaning of it’ s military strategy, which reflects in force planning and help to make People’ s Liberation Army become a modernized force gradually, increasing the quality and quantity. 2. PRC belongs to the autocracy of communist system. Because of it’ s lack of transparency of military affairs, any change in behavior of its military will definitely draw the attention of surrounding nations. By studing PRC’ s military strategy, it helps us to better understand the mindset behind PRC’ military decision making,and more importantly, it enables us to acguire indemnifications for our national security. 3. The Bartlett Model can precisely explain the process in forming military strategies. Not only can it deal with a variety of substantial controversies, but also benefit the issuing of the policies telated with national security. Moreover, for many key variables, this model uncovers the interaction between each component and further represent a meticulous way of developing military strategies.
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