

作者:薛理桂 引用關係周旻邑莊詒婷
作者(外文):Hsueh, Li-kueiChou, Mei-iChuang, I-ting
主題關鍵詞:宏觀鑑定政府機關臺灣教育部MacroappraisalGovernment institutionsTaiwanMinistry of education
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宏觀鑑定自 1990年代開始發展,迄今已有加拿大、荷蘭、澳洲、紐西蘭等國採行,可知此種鑑定方法已受到國際上重視。本文以宏觀鑑定適用於國內中央政府層級機關為探討重點,並以行政院之下的教育部為例。首先透過文獻分析,了解加拿大與澳洲實施宏觀鑑定的情況,並採用訪談法與焦點團體法,邀集學者專家與中央層級政府機關檔案管理人員,共同討論宏觀鑑定在臺灣政府機關實施之可行性與問題。
The macroappraisal approach has been developed since 1990. So far, several countries have adopted this method, such as Canada, Netherland, Australia, New Zealand, etc. This paper focuses on macroappraisal in the governmental institution, with special reference to the Ministry of Education of Taiwan as an example. It starts with a literature review, which shows the implementation of macroappraisal approaches in Canada and Australia. This is followed by interviews with scholars and staff of governmental archives, using the focus group approach as the research method. The interviews will be discussed to evaluate the extent to which macroappraisal is applicable in Taiwanese governmental agencies, as well as potential problems.
1.周旻邑、莊詒婷(2009)。宏觀鑑定模式在五國實施狀況之探析。圖書與資訊學,1(3),93-104。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.薛理桂(2005)。宏觀鑑定模式在我國應用之探討。檔案季刊,4(1),31-46。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.Cook, T.(2005)。Macro-appraisal in theory and practice: Origins, characteristics, and implementation in Canada, 1950-2000。Archival Science,5(2-4),101-161。  new window
4.Bailey, C.(1997)。From the top down: The practice of macro-appraisal。Archivaria,43,89-128。  new window
5.Cunningham, A.、Oswald, R.(2005)。Some functions are more equal than others: The development of a macro-appraisal strategy for the National Archives of Australia。Archival Science,5(2-4),163-184。  new window
1.行政院施政分類架構工作小組(2007)。行政院施政分類架構--分類及索引典,http://www.ey.gov.tw/cakeIndex/tree.jsp, 20100304。  延伸查詢new window
2.Cunningham, A.(2005)。Some functions are more equal than others: The National Archives' macro-appraisal project,http://www.arkivrad.no/foredrag/2007/cunninghamjul05.pdf。  new window
3.Library Archives Canada(2001)。Appraisal methodology: Macro-appraisal and functional analysis. Part A: Concepts and theory,http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/government/disposition/007007-1035-e.html。  new window
4.National Archives of Australia(2003)。Why records are kept: Directions in appraisal,http://www.naa.gov.au/images/why%20records%20are%20kept[1]_tcm2-4856.pdf, 20090318。  new window
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