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籃球運動中如變換方向急停、過人切入、轉身假動作及跳躍落地等動作等非接觸的動作,常在一瞬間為了擺脫防守而造成膝關節前十字韌帶傷害,許多研究發現女性運動員的發生率比男性高,本研究欲瞭解女性籃球員在接球急停切入的膝關節運動生物力學與前十字韌帶傷害機制,進而提供專項訓練的參考。本研究受試者為1位女子大專甲組籃球員,做移位接球急停步,分為跨步單腳急停及跳步雙腳急停後運球切入。使用10台Vicon Motion System紅外線攝影機(200Hz)和2塊Kistler測力板(1000Hz)收集資料,用Visual 3D處理資料和參數分析,比較兩腳膝關節在支撐期百分比前20%的角度和力矩。研究結果中發現著地時跳步的非軸心腳的膝屈曲角度最小,並伴隨外翻角度和力矩,且非軸心腳大於軸心腳的膝關節負荷。應重視女性運動員相關動作訓練,避免膝關節過度負荷及傷害發生。
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7.Colosimo, Angelo J.、Ford, Kevin R.、Succop, Paul、Myer, Gregory D.、van den Bogert, Antonie J.、Heidt, Robert S. Jr.、Hewett, Timothy E.、McLean, Scott G.、Paterno, Mark V.(2005)。Biomechanical measures of neuromuscular control and valgus loading of the knee predict anterior cruciate ligament injury risk in female athletes: a prospective study。American Journal of Sports Medicine,33(4),492-501。  new window
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12.Cochrane, J. L.、Lloyd, D. G.、Buttfield, Seward, H.、McGivern J.(2007)。Characteristics of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in Australian football。Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,10,96-104。  new window
13.Krosshaug, T.、Nakamae, A.、Boden, B. P.、Engebretsen, L.、Smith, G.、Slauterbeck, J. R.、Hewett, T. E.、Bahr, R.(2007)。Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury in basketball: video analysis of 39 cases。American Journal of Sports Medicine,35,359-367。  new window
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16.Quatman, C. E.、Hewett, T. E.(2009)。The ACL Injury Controversy: Is Valgus Collapse a Sex Specific Mechanism?。British Journal of Sports Medicine,43,328-335。  new window
17.Shimokochi, Y.、Shultz, S. J.(2008)。Mechanisms of noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury。Journal of Athletic Training,43,396-408。  new window
18.Sell, T. C.、Ferris, C. M.、Abt, J. P.、Tsai, Y. S.、Myers, J. B.、Fu, F. H.、Lephart, S. M.(2007)。Predictors of proximal tibia anterior shear force during a vertical stop-jump。Journal of Orthopaedic Research,25,1589-1597。  new window
19.Yu, B.、Kirkendall, D. T.、Garrett, W. E.(2002)。Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes: anatomy, physiology, and motor control。Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review,10,58-68。  new window
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