

題名:Rethinking English-only Instruction for Taiwan's EFL College Students from the Critical Literacy Perspective
作者:Shen, Fu-yuan
主題關鍵詞:English-only instructionSociocultural constructivismHeteroglossiaEnglish language learning strategies
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Recently educators and administrators of Taiwan’s universities have advocated for English-only instruction in response to the current educational climate of internationalizing higher education. However, the practices of English-only instruction simply fit well with the concern of political correctness and comply with an externally imposed policy. This English-only instructional policy inextricably contradicts with the principles of English language learning and teaching. Taking a stance of critical literacy, I address the social, cultural, and pedagogical issues underlying the English-only instruction. In this article, drawing on sociocultural constructivism, I first contend that English-only instruction is unproductive in the EFL context. According to the constructivist theory, learning needs social mediation (Vygotsky, 1987); hence, the best mediational tool of learning is student’s mother tongue. I then investigate the inappropriateness of English-only teaching and its ideological biases by exploring Bakhtin’s (1981) notion of heteroglossic nature of language. The English-only policy unconsciously diminishes the importance of EFL students’ native language and correspondingly subjugates these learners. Besides, with the report of National Literacy Panel (August & Shanahan, 2006), the evidence of English language teaching studies clearly demonstrates that bilingual instruction is more effective than English monolingual instruction. Finally, I suggest a more radical reform in college curricula except for futile alteration in the instructional language.
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