

作者:池文海 引用關係林憬王智永張明暐
作者(外文):Chih, Wen-haiLin, ChingWang, Ze-yungChang, Min-wei
主題關鍵詞:科技接受模式解構式計畫行為理論Technology acceptance modelDecomposed theory of planned behaviorStructural equation modelingBehaviorMotivation theory
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許多研究指出如何增進顧客對產品的使用度是管理者主要的焦點,本研究以曾經使用GPS科技產品的使用者為研究對象,檢測採用GPS科技產品行為意圖之前置因素。過去文獻指出對於資訊科技產品的接受大都採用Davis (1989)所提出的科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model; TAM)來加以研究,而如果是要用來解釋及預測行為意圖;那麼Taylor and Todd (1995a)所提出的解構式計畫行為理論最為適配。本文以解構式計畫行為理論為基礎,並以消費者動機的角度切入進而提出研究模式。經由874位使用者並採用結構方程模式驗證得知:知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺有趣性、任務價值與自我效能均會顯著正向影響行為態度;自我效能與助益條件均會顯著正向影響知覺行為控制;行為態度與知覺行為控制均會顯著正向影響行為意圖;而顯著正向影響使用者採用GPS科技產品之行為意圖其最大者為行為態度、其次依序為知覺行為控制、知覺有用性、任務價值、自我效能、知覺有趣性、知覺易用性與助益條件。
The sampling frame of this paper is those people have using Global Positioning System (GPS). The purpose of this paper is to study the antecedents of the behavior intention for adopting GPS technology product users. The technology acceptance model (TAM) of Davis (1989) is adopted for most technology products. However, this study adopts the decomposed theory of planned behavior proposed by Taylor and Todd (1995a). The decomposed theory of planned behavior is the foundation of this proposed model which takes the point of view of consumers' motivation. Structural Equation Modeling is applied for this study. 874 valid samples were collected and analyzed. The results of this study are shown below: (1) Perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, perceived enjoyment, task value and self-efficacy significantly positively affect behavior intention, respectively. (2) Both self-efficacy and facilitating conditions significantly positively affect perceived behavioral control. (3) Both attitude and perceived behavioral control significantly positively affect behavioral intention. (4) The most significant factors affecting the behavioral intention is attitude, and the remaining orders of most significant factors are perceived behavioral control, perceived usefulness, task value, self-efficacy, perceived enjoyment, perceived ease-of-use and facilitating conditions, respectively.
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