

作者(外文):Xiao, Chi
主題關鍵詞:謝靈運山水詩話語派生樹現地考察山水的詞源感知自然風景的基元構架Xie LingyunLandscape poetryTree of the enunciative derivationOn-site investigationMorphogenesis of shanshuiEssential frame in aesthetics of natural landscape
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Taking Xie Lingyun’s (385-433) landscape poems as its focus, this article tracks the growth of the “tree of the enunciative derivation” landscape aesthetics in the discourse of early Chinese landscape poetry. Carrying out an on-site investigation and citing ancient data, the article first identifies some controversial sites Xie wrote about in verse and thereby confirms that Xie’s landscape poems indeed were based on an external referential framework. Xie’s poetry highlights what the phenomenologist Merleau-Ponty calls the “hollow” in an artist’s perception. The article then displays a spectrum of Xie’s landscape aesthetic perceptions: his sensibilities and misperceptions. Furthermore, it infers that Xie’s aesthetic system was based upon a frame of bipolarity within oneness implied by the new compounded word shan-shui (mountain-river). The article expounds that, as the earliest designation for natural landscape, the term shanshui itself emerged from the atmosphere of viewing, admiring and writing about the natural landscape by Eastern Jin literati. The morphological origin of this word can be traced back to the earlier coordinate clauses respectively referring to shan and shui. In the initial stage of the metonymic expansion of the meaning of the word shanshui, the essential frame of bipolarity within oneness (mountain/river) implied in the word’s morphogenesis still underlay the aesthetic perception in viewing and describing the natural landscape. Xie Lingyun, the earliest poet of this subject, with his description of a clear-cut mountain and river, incarnated this essential frame. Finally, the article reveals a split in Xie’s literary discourse about natural landscapes and poetic feeling. Apart from the Dark-Learning discourse in which the natural landscape could free man from emotions, Xie also wrote about the moments when the natural landscape even intensified and symbolized his sadness and emotion. A process of “internalization of the external” is inaugurated here and triggers a later discourse in which natural scenery stands for emotions.
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1. 問津「桃源」與棲居「桃源」--盛唐隱逸詩人的空間詩學
2. Book Review: Khee Heong Koh, «A Northern Alternative: Xue Xuan (1389~1464) and the Hedong School» (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2011)
3. Book Review: Tonglin Lu ed., «Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique (Special Issue: The Chinese Perspective on Žižek and Žižek's Perspective on China) 19:3» (Durham: Duke University Press, Winter 2011)
4. 南朝詩歌山水書寫中「詩的空間」的營造
5. 評:劉震著《禪定與苦修--關於佛傳原初梵本的發現和研究》(上海 : 上海古籍出版社, 2010)
6. 評:劉屹著《神格與地域--漢唐間道教信仰世界研究》(上海:上海人民出版社, 2010)
7. 評:Stephen R. Bokenkamp, Ancestors and Anxiety: Daoism and the Birth of Rebirth in China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007)
8. 評:土田健次郎著, 朱剛譯《道學之形成》(上海: 上海古籍出版社, 2010)
9. 評:賴錫三著《當代新道家--多音複調與視域融合》(臺北: 臺大出版中心, 2011)
10. 評:黃啟江著《一味禪與江湖詩:南宋文學僧與禪文化的蜕變》(臺北: 臺灣商務, 2010)
11. 陳奐及《詩毛氏傳疏》的評論與傳播
12. 晚明中西倫理學的相遇--從《尼各馬可倫理學》到高一志的《修身西學》
13. 「磈壘怎消醫怎識, 惟將痛苦付汍瀾」--吳偉業、黃周星劇作中之「存在」焦慮與自我救贖
14. 書業與獄訟--從晚明出版文化論余象斗公案小說的編纂過程與創作意圖
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