

作者(外文):Lee, Szu-yingLiao, Pei-hung
主題關鍵詞:急性胰臟炎疼痛肋膜積水Acute pancreatitisPainPleural effusesion
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本文在探討一位急性胰臟炎併發肋膜積水的個案,於住院期間的疾病經驗。護理期間自民國2008年12月14日至12月28日為止。照顧個案期間,依Gordon 十一項功能性健康型態評估為依據,藉由觀察、會談以及身體評估等方式收集資料,發現個案住院期間的主要護理問題有:一、低效型呼吸型態/右側肋膜積水有關;二、疼痛/疾病導致腹痛、嘔吐;三、高危險性感染/侵入性導管留置;四、營養少於身體所需/疾病導致禁食;五、健康維護能力改變/缺乏維護健康的基本知識。筆者於護理期間以真誠和同理心的態度與個案及其家屬建立良好的治療性人際關係,並針對個案的獨特性與個別性,適時的緩解身體的不適感、提供相關資訊並給予心理支持,以協助個案日後建立健康的生活型態。
This case report described the caring experience of a patient who suffered from acute pancreatitis with pleural effusion. The author took care of the patient from the 14th to the 28th of December 2008. Based on the Gordon’s Model, the data were collected by means of observation, interview, and physical assessment during the nursing process. The patient’s health problems were identified as ineffective breathing related to pleural effusion on the right side, pain related to disease and vomiting, high risk of infection related to invasion of tubes, nutrition altered: less than body requirements, and altered health maintenance: lacking of the essential knowledge in health maintenance. The author specially designed a set of programs to alleviate patient’s discomfort according to his physical and medical conditions. During the nursing process, the author showed attentiveness towards patient and his family and established a good nurse-patient relationship and provided individualized nursing care to facilitate the patient creating a healthy living style.
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