

作者(外文):Wei, Chian-jiun
主題關鍵詞:左傳春秋喪禮喪禮凶禮Zuo zhuanFuneral rites of the Spring and Autumn periodFuneral rites
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The Zuo zhuan states "The Son of Heaven is buried after seven months, the feudal lords must attend; feudal lords after five months, with those allied with him attending; a senior official after three months, with those of the same rank attending; an official after a full month, with his relatives by marriage attending." Traditionally, scholars believed this statement; however, recently some scholars have expressed a different opinion. This article tallies and analyzes the various funeral times of feudal lords in the Spring and Autumn period. Data is then analyzed according to overall distribution, time distribution, nd regional distribution. Results show that in almost half the instances, the emperors were buried in five months. The next most common duration was three months, followed by various lengths of time. In terms of time distribution, apart from the period of Duke Zhao of Lu, the ratio of emperors being buried after five months did not decrease over time. In terms of regional distribution, five month burials were more common in Lu, Chen, Wei, Cao, and Teng, with three month burials being prevalent in Jin and Zheng. Song seems to have adopted a three month system too, although it was somewhat later. Other states are indeterminable, as their burial times varied too drastically. Numeric analysis confirms that there were indeed five-month and three-month systems in place during the Spring and Autumn period. Thus, this statement in the Zuo zhuan does not reflect historical facts. The reason for this is that this statement matches with common beliefs of pre-Qin Confucian scholars, namely that the same system is common throughout China. It could be that such a belief is something these scholars tried to advocate in their desire for widespread uniformity in rites. The Zuo zhuan expresses such an ethical standpoint through this statement
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