

題名:Bronzes from Afar Ch'ien-lung's "Hsi-ch'ing Hsü-chien Chia-pien Fu-lu"
作者:余慧君 引用關係
作者(外文):Yu, Hui-chun
主題關鍵詞:乾隆西清古鑑西清續鑑西清續鑑甲編附錄青銅器Ch'ien-lungHsi-ch'ing ku-chienHsi-ch'ing hsü-chienHsi-ch'ing hsü-chien chia-pien fu-luBronze
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Ch'ien-lung’s three bronze catalogues, Hsi-ch′ing ku-chien 西清古鑑, Ningshou chien-ku 寧壽鑑古, and Hsi-ch′ing hsü-chien 西清續鑑, documenting a total of 4,115 bronzes, were the most comprehensive reference books on Chinese bronzes until the twentieth century. These three bronze catalogues should be comprehended as one curatorial project lasting for forty-four years, covering roughly three-fourths of Ch'ienlung’s reign. Through this project, the emperor documented his ownership of the oldest creations of Chinese civilization and declared his respect for that long history. While Ch'ien-lung fully consolidated power and his authority became unchallengeable, cataloguing bronzes turned into one of his ways of mapping the great Manchu empire: he included thirty-eight bronzes from afar in “Hsi-ch'ing hsü-chien chia-pien fu-lu 西清續鑑甲編附錄.” Ch'ien-lung thus employed these bronze catalogues to position himself as a sage king who extended the historical depth even as he expanded the geographic scope of his empire. By means of close reading of Ch'ien-lung’s bronze catalogues, especially “Hsi-ch'ing hsü-chien chia-pien fu-lu,” this paper investigates the emperor’s cultural performances—his presentation of bronzes as magical talismans from the utopian past, symbols of dynastic legitimacy, and mementoes of the glorious Manchu Empire.
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