

作者:施光訓 引用關係許旭昇
作者(外文):Shih, Kuang-hsunHsu, Shiuh-sheng
主題關鍵詞:電腦輔助稽核工具與技術電腦稽核模糊網路分析程序法Computer assisted auditing tools and techniquesComputer assisted auditingFuzzy analytic network process
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The continuous rise of international corporation scandals has led to concern by various governments on the auditing management systems, as well as reinforcement of control on corporate governance and operational risks. The purposes of auditing are to understand the overall operational conditions of corporations, and to propose warnings and improvements on potential risky events. With the advancement of information technology, companies have used computer systems to improve operational efficiency and aid in auditing works, thus effectively reducing the operational risks. The selection of computer assisted auditing tools and techniques has become a major decision-making issue. This study conducted literature review, and used Fuzzy Analytic Network Process to construct an auditing system evaluation model. Expert interviews were conducted to select four criteria and 19 factors. The results showed that the evaluation criteria for auditing systems are in the order of system functions, data processing, support and service of the system provider, and cost. This study also used auditing systems of ACL, IDEA, and FOCAUDIT as examples to evaluate the user satisfaction on the systems.
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