

作者:林朝欽麥館碩夏禹九 引用關係
作者(外文):Lin, Chau-chinMai, Guan-shuoHsia, Yue-joe
主題關鍵詞:資源描述框架鍵連資料生態學資料分享RDFLinked dataEcologyData sharing
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[摘要] 生態學是一門重視領域合作與資料分享整合的科學,但傳統的生態研究並未達到這樣的境界。本研究嘗試以鍵連資料技術,以實作的方式,將現有生態資料庫加以語意連結。本研究主要目的在展示鍵連資料技術有別於現行元數據或關連式資料庫之生態資料管理與分享框架,以達成較理想的生態資料管理、整合與分享需求。本研究使用了森林火災、植物標本、昆蟲採集、森林動態樣區調查以及台灣的物種名錄等五個資料庫,以資源描述框架作為資料標準連結資料,讓原本分散難以分享的資料在最細的單元彼此連結,形成有別於傳統網路的資料管理與分享方式,並讓機器協助資料處理作業,跨越了系統的界線的連結限制。本研究將鍵連的內容命名為鍵連開放的生態資料,在http://ecowlim.tfri.gov.tw/lode上提供研究者使用。
ABSTRACT Ecology is a discipline emphasizing integrative and collaborative approaches. In terms of data management and sharing it hasn’t reached that state. In order to facilitate the integration of ecological data, we attempt to build a new approach by using Open Linked Data technique. The main purpose of our study is to demonstrate the difference of this approach from metadata and relational database methods of data management and sharing adapted currently. The practice uses Resource Description Framework (RDF) to make data linkable and machine-readable in the finest level of granularity, interweaving data silos into the Web of Data. The new-proposed framework for sharing ecological data is so named Linked Open Data of Ecology (LODE). There are 5 datasets including forest fire database, plant and insect specimen databases, the Nanshi forest dynamics plot census and the catalogue of life in Taiwan tested in this practice. To show the scalability and interoperatability, the web http://ecowlim .tfri.gov. tw/lode is set for use.
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