

作者:張毓仁吳明隆 引用關係胡芝妮
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1.林素貞(20041200)。國小一年級國語文課程本位測量不同版本朗讀測驗之比較研究。特殊教育學報,20,1-24。new window  延伸查詢new window
2.Alihide, R. M.、Dunse, L.、Brunken, C. D.(2001)。Improving fluency in at-risk readers and students with learning disabilities。Remedial and Special Education,22(1),48-54。  new window
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5.葉靖雲(19940600)。課程本位中、英文閱讀與英文書寫表達測驗之效度研究。特殊教育學報,9,257-287。new window  延伸查詢new window
6.Rasinski, T. V.、Hoffman, J. V.(2003)。Oral Reading in the School Literacy Curriculum。Reading Research Quarterly,38,510-522。  new window
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9.Pikulski, J. J.、Chard, D. J.(2005)。Fluency: Bridge between decoding and reading comprehension。The Reading Teacher,58(6),510-519。  new window
10.Fuchs, L. S.、Fuchs, D.、Hosp, M. K.、Jeakins, J. R.(2001)。Oral reading fluency as an indicator of reading competence: A theoretical, empirical, and historical analysis。Scientific Studies of Reading,5(3),239-259。  new window
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13.Fuchs, L. S.、Fuchs, D.、Hamlett, C. L.(1989)。Effects of Alternative Goal Structures within Curriculum-based Measurement。Exceptional Children,55(5),429-438。  new window
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15.葉靖雲(19980600)。課程本位閱讀測驗的效度研究。特殊教育與復健學報,6,239-260。new window  延伸查詢new window
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20.Deno, S. L.(2003)。Curriculum-based measures: development and perspectives。Assessment for Effective Intervention,28(3),3-12。  new window
21.Fewster, S.、MacMillan, P. D.(2002)。Schoolbased evidence for the validity of curriculum-based measurement of reading and writing。Remedial and Special Education,23(3),149-156。  new window
22.Fuchs, L. S.(1997)。Use of curriculum-based measurement in identifying students with disabilities。Focus on Exceptional Children,30(3),1-16。  new window
23.Good, R. H.、Simmons, D. C.、Kameenui, E. J.(2001)。The importance and decision-making utility of a continuum of fluency-based, indicators of foundational reading skills for third-grade high, stakes outcomes。Scientific Studies of Reading,5,257-288。  new window
24.Wood, D. E.(2006)。Modeling the relationship between oral reading fluency and performance on a statewide reading test。Educational Assessment,11,85-104。  new window
25.Katzir, T.、Youngsuk, K.、Wolf, M.、O'Brien, B.、Kennedy, B.、Lovett, M.、Morris, R.(2006)。Reading fluency: The whole is more than the parts。Annals of Dyslexia,56,51-82。  new window
26.Shaywitz, S. E.、Shaywitz, B. A.、Fulbright, R. K.、Skudlarski, P.、Mencl, W. E.、Constable, R. T. et al.(2003)。Neural systems for compensation and persistence: Young adult outcomes of childhood reading disability。Biological Psychiatry,54,25-33。  new window
27.Shin, J.、Deno, S. L.、Espin, C.(2000)。Technical adequacy of the maze task for curriculum-based measurement of reading growth。The Journal of Special Education,34(3),164-172。  new window
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1.Alonzo, J.、Tindal, G.(2004)。Analysis of reading fluency and comprehesion measures for sixth-grade students (Tech. Rep. No. 24)。Eugene, Oregon。  new window
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1.Kuhn, M. R.、Stahl, S. A.(2000)。Fluency: A review of developmental and remedial practices。Ann Arbor, MI:Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement。  new window
2.洪碧霞、邱上真、葉千綺、林素微、張漢評、方金雅、王惠川、翁麗雅、黃美秀、葉峰男(1999)。國民中小學國語文成就測驗。臺北市:國立臺南師範學院測驗發展中心:教育部特殊教育工作小組。  延伸查詢new window
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7.Rasinski, T. V.(2006)。Fluency: An oft-neglected goal of the reading program。Understanding and Implementing- reading first initiatives。Newark, DE。  new window
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