

題名:Exploring Logistics Services Quality in Home Delivery Industry: Do Service Providers and Customers Have Different Viewpoints?
作者:許嘉霖林敬森陳穆臻 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsu, Chia-linLin, Chin-senChen, Mu-chen
主題關鍵詞:物流宅配服務品質SERVQUALLogisticsHome deliveryService quality
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This paper attempts to investigate and discuss the discrepancy between executive perceptions of customers’ expectations and customers’ expectations (Gap 1) in the home delivery (HD) industry. This paper utilizes a review of the literature to postulates that: the significant relationships between executive perceptions of customers’ expectations and the sociodemographic variables; and there are significant differences between executive perceptions of customers’ expectations and customers’ expectations. Theses hypotheses are tested in an empirical study with data from a survey among 105 management executives of HD companies and 426 customers who had used HD services within one year. From the results, we find the relationship between executive perceptions of customers’ expectations and customers’ expectations (Gap 1) presents a significant difference. Nonetheless, no evidence has been found to support the relationships between executive perceptions of customers’ expectations and the sociodemographic variables. This paper explores the status of logistics servicequality from the viewpoints of service providers and customers in the home delivery industry.
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