

作者(外文):You, Xi-lin
主題關鍵詞:藝術傳播現代性大眾藝術公共性集體化藝術個體生命政-藝分離Communication of artsModernityPopular artsPublicnessCollectivizationArtistically individual lifeSeparation of state and art
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The ancient archetype of communication of arts was the interactive transmission between gods and the human beings. The communication of arts focused different directions in the ancient times and the modern times. The elite monopoly, the holy loneliness and the deep timeliness in the ancient communication on the upper dimension were replaced by the popularization, the sensitive entertainment and the unconsciousness of the crowd in the modem communication on the lower dimension. The technical reproduction, the synchronous transmission and the collective reception had become the modern mode of artistic relationship. The art that owned its individual life had to be alienated in the whopping price collections. The modern institutions and its characters of communication of arts were originated in the context of modernity. The most serious problem was the lack of limits for communication of arts. Because the enchantment of modernity and its differentiation of functions caused the formalization in the public sphere, artistic aesthetic became the special substitute for the public spirit in the modem times. The commercial consumption, the modem star culture and the political ideology absorbed the public energy of arts, so they became the basis of the abnormal expansion of communication of arts in the modern times. The lesion that the totalitarianism utilized arts in the 20(superscript th) century revealed, the communication of arts should separated art from politics. That was the reason why we reflected the aesthetical soteriology.
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