

作者:吳文郁 引用關係徐國慶洪光燦 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Wen-yuXu, Guo-gingHung, Kuang-tsan
主題關鍵詞:乒乓球有機膠水無機膠水甲苯Ping-pongOrganic glueInorganic glueToluene桌球球拍
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近年來在政府及有關單位的推廣與深耕下,桌球運動可說是目前國內最普及的運動項目之一,參與人口眾多,競爭非常激烈。除選手本身技術、戰術及體能的提升外,科技器材日益進步,有機膠水(organic glue)的發明,雖提升選手擊球速度與質量,但也間接危害選手及週遭群眾的健康。基此,國際桌球總會(International Table Tennis Federation, ITTF)於2008年9月1日起禁止選手使用揮發性有機溶劑之膠水,在賽會期間藉由檢測儀器篩檢選手球拍,期能為選手及周遭群眾的健康把關,同時也能讓比賽更加公平。而有機膠水的禁用將使桌球運動產生巨大的影響並導入一個全新的時代。本文期盼透過文獻探討方式,讓參與桌球愛好者及大眾瞭解有機膠水對人體的危害,藉由檢測儀的實施更能有效約束選手對有機膠水的使用,唯有提升本身技術及體能才是正確且長遠之道。
As efforts and encouragement has been addressed from the government in recent years, table tennis is currently one of the most popular sports. With large amount of participant in this very competitive sports, in addition to the improvement of players technique, strategies, and physical fitness, the technological equipments has also been optimized, including the invention of the organic glue. Although it has been shown that the use of organic glue may increase velocity and quality of the contact of the ball, on the other hand, it also indirectly endanger the health of athletes and the surrounding people. Thus, on September 1, 2008, the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) banned the use of organic glue due to its volatile solvents. During the tournament, the rackets would be checked by detection equipment to protect the health of surrounding people and the players themselves. And, as the results, the fairness of the competition can be ensured. The forbiddance of organic glue has a huge impact on table tennis in taking it to a new era. Through the literature reviews, this article aimed on providing more information about the harm of the organic glue to human body. It is suggested that through the implementation of the detector of organic glue can help to ban the usage of organic glue effectively. It is concluded that the usage of organic glue may endanger human body and the enhancements of the skills and physical fitness level is essential to optimizing the player's performance.
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