

題名:地圖學:多媒體地圖及Map 2.0
作者(外文):Lin, Yi Hsien
主題關鍵詞:多媒體地圖協同工具本體論Map 2.0Web 2.0Multimedia mapCollaboration toolOntology
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在Web 2.0的概念之下,地圖的使用以及製作也進入了另一個和傳統使用及製作截然不同面向。在網路發展之下,多媒體地圖在訊息傳遞速度以及方式皆和傳統地圖有極大差異,也因此傳統的表面描述方式已經不足夠,民眾希望走進地圖之內,不論是在空間上或者認知上。其希望能發掘更深層的知識,並且能夠將其所擁有的片段知識相匯聚。透過各種網路協同工具以及免費公開軟體,地理資訊可以在短時間內匯集堆疊在一起,而個人的知識也可以透過網路加以傳遞進而造成影響。在此潮流導向之下,傳統地圖學的固有本體論必須重新被思考及定義,除了如何製作出有效傳遞資訊的地圖之外,如何符合一般民眾日常生活的使用以及如何有效的蒐集正確資訊也變成極為重要的研究議題。
The concept of Web 2.0 has led map using and making into a whole different world when compared with the traditional one. Under the influence of this trend, this concept, the mind set and definitions behind the ontology of traditional Cartography must be re-charted. That means asking questions like how to collect correct information effectively, how to make the map in a way that fits the daily life of the general public, besides making a map that passes down information effectively. Such discussion is possible because the development of the internet technology. Recent developments have made the multimedia maps today extremely different from the old ones in terms of the speed and method of how the information is being transmitted. Therefore the traditional way of one dimensional story telling is no longer satisfactory. The general public nowadays wants to be inside of the map; no matter it means to be inside of the space that being described by the map or in the acknowledgment level. People want to go above and beyond to find deeper knowledge while piecing the fragments of information shared by each individual together. Again, the technology has made all this possible. With all the internet collaboration tools and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), geographic information can be collected and organized in a very short period of time and personal knowledge and information can be influential via internet connection.
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