

作者(外文):Li, Xiu-qing
主題關鍵詞:中國叢報19世紀西方人中國刑法觀The Chinese RepositoryThe 19th centuryWesternersViews of Chinese criminal law
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The Chinese Repository was the first well-established compre-hensive English Journal in China. Based on the exploration of The Chinese Repository, the article gives a general view and an analysis of the contents concerning the Chinese criminal law and other relevant information published thereon, summarizing the views of Chinese criminal law held by the Westerners of the 19th Century and elaborating on the accountability and causes of the final consequence. Typical Westerners’ views of Chinese criminal law are as follows. There are too many provisions on violent crimes, especially those on homicides, and as for homicides, whether murders or manslaughters, life for life is always a principle to be followed and the perpetrator must be executed. Because the purpose of criminal punishments is to penalize rather than to correct or reform the criminals, the punishments are severe and of them the capital punishment is widely employed in a cruel way. The abuse of extortion is widespread and unlawful extortion or torture is common though prohibited. Laws in China, including criminal laws, are lack of certainty and so arbitrary in law-making and law-amending; local government officers are conferred on an excessive degree of discretion and practice of implication (zhu lian) reveals the backwardness and cruelty. These nearly "backward and barbarian" or "bloody and cruel" views of Chinese criminal law, though somewhat correct are partial and incomplete to certain extent. These views rooted in the minds of Westerners at that time partly owe to the language obstacles, partly to the influences of West-centerism, the ideology of racial superiority, and conflicts or different ideas between the Chinese and Western traditional or historical legal systems. The Chinese Repository was the main, though not the only, widespread media between China and the West, through which the Westerners’ views of Chinese criminal law undoubtedly spread far and wide.
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3.Bridgman, E. C.(183608)。European Periodicals beyond the Ganges。The Chinese Repository。  new window
4.(184410)。Removal of the Office of the Chinese Repository to Hongkong。The Chinese Repository。  new window
5.(183305)。Introduction。The Chinese Repository。  new window
6.(1851)。List of the Articles in the Volumes of the Chinese Repositoiy, Arranged According to their Subjects。The Chinese Repository。  new window
7.(1833)。Execution of the Laws in China。The Chinese Repository。  new window
8.(183405)。Homicides in China。The Chinese Repository。  new window
9.(1833)。Ta Tsing Leuh-le。The Chinese Repository。  new window
10.(183505)。Notices of modem China: introductory remarks on the characteristics, the present condition, and policy, of the nation; the penal code。The Chinese Repository。  new window
11.(183510)。Notices of modem China: appeals from the inferior to the superior courts; abuses in the manner of appeal; accumulation of cases in provincial courts; the difficulty of obtaining redress。The Chinese Repository。  new window
12.(183511)。Notices of modem China: courts of justice; judges, clerks, interpreters, plaintiffs, defendants ; prisons, the number and condition of their inmates。The Chinese Repository。  new window
13.(183512)。Notices of modem China: various means and modes of punishment; torture, imprisonment, flogging, branding, pillory, banishment, and death。The Chinese Repository。  new window
14.(1851)。General Index。The Chinese Repository。  new window
15.(183405)。Homicides in China: cases in which foreigners and natives are concerned, difficult to be adjusted; luh sha, or the six distinctions of homicide; exceptions occasioned by the rank and situation of natives, the usual exceptions not allowed to foreigner。The Chinese Repository。  new window
16.(183406)。Acquittal of a Murderer。The Chinese Repository。  new window
17.(183401)。Decapitaion of a Son for the Murder of his Father。The Chinese Repository。  new window
18.(183311)。Crimes and Punishment。The Chinese Repository。  new window
19.(184809)。Statement Regarding the Murder of a Chinese Woman by her Grandson, and of the Murder of the Grandson by the Neighboring Villagers。The Chinese Repository。  new window
20.(183206)。Decapitation。The Chinese Repository。  new window
21.(183308)。Execution。The Chinese Repository。  new window
22.(183512)。Public Executions。The Chinese Repository。  new window
23.(183801)。A Notorious Robber。The Chinese Repository。  new window
24.(183804)。A Case of Strangulation。The Chinese Repository。  new window
25.(184507)。Public Executions。The Chinese Repository。  new window
26.(184703)。Decapitation of Criminals。The Chinese Repository。  new window
27.(184801)。Execution of Murderers。The Chinese Repository。  new window
28.(184806)。Robbery and Executions。The Chinese Repository。  new window
29.(183211)。Decapitation。The Chinese Repository。  new window
30.(184906)。The Number of Executions。The Chinese Repository。  new window
31.(185001)。Execution among the Chinese。The Chinese Repository。  new window
32.(183512)。Notices of modem China: various means and modes of punishment, torture, imprisonment, flogging, branding, pillory, banishment, and death。The Chinese Repository。  new window
33.(183307)。Execution of the Laws in China。The Chinese Repository。  new window
34.(183408)。Edicts from the Governor and Hoppo of Canton。The Chinese Repository。  new window
35.(184205)。Hung Lau Mung, or Dreams in the Red Chambef'。The Chinese Repository。  new window
36.(184712)。Hai Kwoh Tu Chi, Statistical Notices of the Ocean Kingdom with Maps, in Fifty Books。The Chinese Repository。  new window
37.(185003)。Japan: a translation of the 12th chapter of the Hai-kwoh tu chi, or notices of foreign countries, illustrated with maps and engravings, published at the city of Yang chau & in Kiangsu, in the summer of 1847。The Chinese Repository。  new window
38.(183503)。Universal Peace: obstacles to it in the character and government of nations, particularly of China and Japan; with remarks on the means best fitted to remove these obstacles。The Chinese Repository。  new window
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