

作者(外文):Chang, Yin-yihHo, Mei-tai
主題關鍵詞:供應鏈雲端技術資訊科技政府政策Supply chainCloud technologyInformation technologyGovernment policy
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近年雲端服務技術崛起,台灣政府預計在雲端產業上規劃了兩百四十億的投入計畫,擬將整個產業提升到雲端等級,供應鏈也是其中的發展重點,本研究想要探討影響台灣企業採用雲端供應鏈系統意願之因素為何?我們以「外在環境」、「企業組織因素」、「政府政策」作為主要影響因子,分析對企業採用雲端供應鏈系統意願的影響。本研究以台灣企業為對象,使用便利抽樣法進行問卷發放,共收集77有效樣本,以因素分析法與Cronbach’s α進行效度與信度分析,並以迴歸分析檢測本研究之相關性假說是否成立。本研究的具體成果有以下三點:「外在環境」、「企業組織」、「政府政策」三個因素均獲得證實會正向影響企業採用雲端供應鏈的意願。1.「外在環境」與「企業組織」兩個因素仍是企業最重視的因素,2.外在環境的「軟體供應商的能力」與「同業已使用狀況」會直接正向影響到企業的意願。在台灣的政府政策構面中,3.「政府推動計畫」與「政府補助方案」確實會正向影響到企業採用雲端供應鏈系統的意願。
As the cloud services technology was rapidly developed, the Taiwanese government drives a twenty-four billion to invest the cloud industries, and intends to upgrade the whole industry to cloud level. The supply chain was one object of the government’s cloud plan. In this study wants to explore the impact of Taiwan's enterprises Supply chain systems will use cloud the factors why? We use “external environment”, “organization factors”, “government policies” as the main influence factor to analysis which one will affect the enterprise’s willingness to use the cloud technology on supply chain system. In this study, we used convenience sampling method and collected 77 valid samples. Concrete results of this study are the following three points: 1. “external environment”, “organization”, “government policies” are confirmed three factors will positively affect the enterprise’s willingness to use the cloud technology on supply chain system. 2. In the external environment, “the software vendor’s ability” and “peer comparison” will have a direct positively impact on the enterprise’s willingness. 3. In government policy dimensions, “Government push” does positively affect the enterprise’s willingness to use the cloud technology on supply chain system.
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