

作者(外文):Lin, Chi-chau
主題關鍵詞:課室支持心理需求自主動機學業涉入Classroom supportPsychological needAutonomous motivationAcademic engagement
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摘要 本研究綜合理論文獻建構一個影響高職學生對學業涉入的理論模式,並探討 理論模式內潛在變項間的相互影響。以結構方程模式檢驗理論模式和觀察資料的 適配度。受試者以630 位私立高職學生進行問卷調查,研究工具包含課室支持量 表、心理需求量表、自主動機量表及學業涉入量表等。研究結果發現:高職學生 的學業涉入模式和觀察資料大致適配;課室支持對心理需求有直接效果,但對自 主動機並無直接效果;課室支持透過心理需求及自主動機對學業涉入有顯著的間 接效果;心理需求對自主動機與學業涉入皆有顯著的直接效果;心理需求亦會透 過自主動機對學業涉入有顯著的間接效果;自主動機對學業涉入有顯著的直接效 果。本研究根據上述研究結果進行討論,並提出對未來研究之建議。
Abstract This study constructed a structural a causal relationship among classroom support, psychological need, and autonomous motivation on academic engagement for vocational high school students. Structure equation modeling was used to investigate the model. The participants were 630 students from privately vocational high schools in Taichung and Changhua. A self-report measuring perception of the students’ classroom support, psychological need, and autonomous motivation, and academic engagement was administered. The results of this study showed: the theoretical model fit the observed well; classroom support had a significant direct effect on psychological need, but had no significant direct effect on autonomy motivation ; classroom support had significant indirect effects on autonomy motivation and academic engagement; psychological need had significant direct effects on both autonomy motivation and academic engagement; psychological need had a significant indirect effect on academic engagement; and autonomy motivation had a significant direct effect on the academic engagement. Implications for education and future were discussed.
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