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1.Adachi, N.、Ochi, M.、Uchio, Y.、Iwasa, J.、Ryoke, K.、Kuriwaka, M.(2002)。Mechanoreceptors in the anterior cruciate ligament contribute to the joint position sense。Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica,73(3),330-334。  new window
2.Konishi, Y.、Fukubayashi, T.、Takeshita, D.(2002)。Possible mechanism of quadriceps femoris weakness in patients with ruptured anterior cruciate ligament。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,34(9),1414-1418。  new window
3.Konishi, Y.、Konishi, H.、Fukubayashi, T.(2003)。Gamma loop dysfunction in quadriceps on the contralateral side in patients with ruptured ACL。Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,35(6),897-900。  new window
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11.Swanik, C. B.、Lephart, S. M.、Giraldo, J. L.、Demont, R. G.、Fu, F. H.(1999)。Reactive muscle firing of anterior cruciate ligament-injured females during functional activities。Journal of Athletic Training,34(2),121-129。  new window
12.Richardson, M. S.、Cramer, J. T.、Bemben, D. A.、Shehab, R. L.、Glover, J.、Bemben, M. G.(2006)。Effects of age and ACL reconstruction on quadriceps gamma loop function。Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy,29(1),28-34。  new window
13.Schultz, R. A.、Miller, D. C.、Kerr, C. S.、Micheli, L.(1984)。Mechanoreceptors in human cruciate ligaments: A histological study。Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American volume,66(1),1072-1076。  new window
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15.Snyder-Mackler, L.、De Luca, P. F.、Williams, P. R.、Eastlack, M. E.、Bartolozzi, A. R. III(1994)。Reflex inhibition of the quadriceps femoris muscle after injury or reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament。Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery,76(4),555-560。  new window
16.Duthon, V. B.、Bavea, C.、Abrassart, S.、Fasel, J. H.、Fritschy, D. Menetrey, J.(2006)。Anatomy of the anterior cruciate ligament。Knee Surgery,14(3),204-213。  new window
17.Johansson, H.、Sjolander, P.、Sojka, P.(1991)。A sensory role for the cruciate ligaments。Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research,268,161-178。  new window
18.Bryant, A. L,、Newton, R. U,、Steele, J.(2009)。Successful feed-forward strategies following ACL injury and reconstruction。Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology,19,988-997。  new window
19.Dyhre-Poulsen, P.、Krogsgaard, M. R.(2000)。Muscular reflexes elicited by electrical stimulation of the anterior cruciate ligament in humans。Journal of Applied Physiology,89(6),2191-2195。  new window
20.Gomez-Barrena, E.、Martinez-Moreno, E.、Munuera, L.(1996)。Segmental sensory innervation, of the anterior cruciate ligament and the patellar tendon of the cat's knee。Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica,67(6),545-552。  new window
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23.Konishi, Y.、Aihara, Y.、Sakai, M.、Ogawa, G.、Fukubayashi, T.(2007)。Gamma loop dysfunction in the quadriceps femoris of patients who underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction remains bilaterally。Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports,17(4),393-399。  new window
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