

作者:何雍慶 引用關係賴其勛 引用關係戴正玲
作者(外文):Ho, Yung-chingLai, Chi-shiunTai, Cheng-ling
主題關鍵詞:品質線索知覺風險滿意度Quality cuesPerceived riskSatisfaction
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To reduce tourists' perceived risk and increase their satisfaction is always the goal which travel agencies endeavour to reach. But how various quality cues influence tourists' perception of risks and satisfaction is still an open question. The intention in this paper is to assess the influences of tour price, reputation, ISO quality registration, prizes received and membership in the Travel Quality Assurance Association (TQAA) of Taiwan tour agencies on tourists' perceived risks and satisfaction. The findings from a recent survey of 284 tourists who have joined tour activities are reported here. Logistic regression analyses are used in this paper because both nominal and continuous variables are included in the models. The results reveal that the higher the tour price is, the more tourists perceive tour risks. Tour agency reputation has significant positive effects on tourists' satisfaction and significantly decreases their perceived risks. ISO quality registration of tour agencies significantly lowers down perceived risks but has no significant effects on tourists' satisfaction. Prizes received by tour agency bear positive effects on perceived risks and satisfaction. Finally, membership in TQAA significantly increases tourists' satisfaction but has no significant effects on tourists' perceive risks.
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