

作者:林建智 引用關係李志峰 引用關係
作者(外文):Lin, Jan-juyLee, Derek
主題關鍵詞:消費者保護信用資訊信用分數財產保險核保危險估計平等原則對價平衡Consumer protectionCredit informationCredit scoreProperty insuranceUnderwritingRisk appraisalPrinciple of equityConsideration
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Individual credit information is the results of financial management and consumers' own choices and is able to assist the insurer to achieve risk appraisal more accurate in property insurance of personal lines. By its very nature, insurance is a system to discriminate risks among different classes of individuals. Any factors relevant to the assessment of the risks transferred from the policyholders should be supplied to the insurer for the risk underwriting. In the United States, due to some malpractices from the use of credit information in the insurance sector, some groups of specific minor races and low-incomes are discriminated by the negative effect from their credit information. As a result, from the view of consumer protectionists, it is argued to prohibit completely the use of individual credit information in personal property insurance.In addition to reviewing the assenting and dissenting views respectively, this paper explores the legality issue and justification of the use of individual credit information in personal property insurance, based on the nature of insurance and principle of equity. Furthermore, it studies and analyzes the current existing relevant law and regulation in the United States. By reference to the U.S. model, certain potential failures in Taiwan are identified and recommendations in regulation and legislation are submitted to the regulatory authorities for the system design in the future.
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