

作者(外文):Sung, Chi-feng
主題關鍵詞:千艦海軍海上反恐貨櫃安全港口安全全球艦隊基地Thousand-ship navyMarine anti-terrorismContainer securityPort securityThe global fleet station
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提  要 一、美國於1986年時,美國海軍公然宣佈實施「前沿戰略」:要控制世界海上16個最重要的航道扼制點。美軍的意圖是,戰時藉由控制全球海上16條戰略要道扼制點,贏得對大洋的控制權。 二、全球有四分之三的面積為海洋所覆蓋,而全球四分之三的人口及大約相同比例的全球資訊及商務中心也位在濱海地區。幾乎每一個濱海國家也都是一個深刻融入全球化潮流的地球村成員。任何來自其他區域的傳統或非傳統安全威脅所激起的浪潮或漣漪都很有可能會波及眾多的濱海國。 三、全球運輸至少有三分之二以上是經由海路執行,且海上貨物之運量亦已不斷增大。聯合國曾經預估,海上貨櫃運輸將會從2005年的1億9,200萬個至少增加到2015年的4億9,200萬個貨以上(20英呎長),這麼龐大的數量,就現有資源言,是否真的能夠達到100%的安全令人質疑。 四、「千艦海軍」計畫旨在號召組成超過千艘艦船的國際艦隊去應付新的挑戰,處理更為複雜的突發性事件,執行範圍更為廣泛的海上任務。藉此計畫,美國將化身為對抗第四代威脅(恐怖主義、大規模毀滅武器、海盜、禽流感、自然災害、環境污染、人口走私、跨國犯罪等)的先鋒,以及海上航行安全此項公共財的最主要提供者。 五、美國藉由增設或強化三道強固的防線本國港口陸地→本國港岸至大陸棚→源頭他國港口等安檢措施確保美國本土之港口安全。總之從美國的角度來看其所設計與貨櫃、船舶、港口安全相關之各項法規與實務有效地落實情資分享與源頭威懾打擊等兩項海上反恐要務。
Abstract 1. United States Navy announced the implementation of a more openly“forward strategy": to control the world's 16 most important maritime waterway curb points. The intention of theU.S. military in wartime by the control strategy for the global maritime hub curb 16 points, won control of the oceans. 2. Three-quarters of the world ocean area covered by three-quarters of the world's population and about the same proportion of the global IT and business center are also located in coastal areas. Virtually every coastal country are also a deep integration into the globalization trend of the global village members. From other regions of any traditional or non-traditional security threats provoked a wave, or ripples are likely to affect a large number of coastal countries. 3. At least two-thirds of global transportation by sea is running, and the volume of goods by sea has been increasing. The United Nations has predicted sea container traffic would be from 100 million in 2005 to 92 million of 20 feet (Twenty foot equivalent units) increased to at least 400 million by 2015 more than 92,000,020 feet. 17 such a large number of words on the existing resources, whether it is able to achieve 100% security is questionable. 4.“thousand-ship Navy"plan composed of over one thousand calls to the international fleet of ships to meet new challenges, deal with more complex emergencies, perform a wider range of maritime tasks. To plan against the United States would become a fourth-generation threats (terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, piracy, avian flu, natural disasters, environmental pollution, human trafficking, transnational crime, etc.) of the Pioneer, as well as the safety of maritime navigation The main provider of public goods. 5. Creation or strengthening of the United States by three strong line of defense in their own ports→port Land→shore to the continental shelf source of security measures for ports and other countries to ensure that the United States of port security. In short, from the U.S. point of view of its design and the container, ship, port security regulations and practices related to the effective implementation of the source of intelligence sharing and maritime counter-terrorism deterrent against other two tasks.
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