

書刊名:臺中教育大學學報. 人文藝術類
作者(外文):Chang, Hwei-hwei
主題關鍵詞:杜威美學音樂教育經驗自然主義實用主義藝術即經驗Dewey aestheticsArt as experiencePragmatismEmpirical naturalismMusic education
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本論文旨在探討杜威的美學思想,及其可供我國國民小學音樂教育借鏡之處,除前言及結論外,全文共分三節﹕ 一、 杜威美學思想的演變﹕ 他的美學思想由實用主義、工具主義、實驗主義到經驗自然主義,隨著時代的進步,經常調整自己的思想。 二、 杜威美學思想的體系﹕ 他的美學思想涉及藝術與生活、經驗、大自然的關係;藝術的實用價值;藝術創作、欣賞時所必須注意的做與受、實驗、脈絡等問題;藝術的情感與想像心理;藝術內容與形式的統一。看似散漫,其實有其體系。 三、 杜威美學思想在國民小學音樂教育上的應用﹕ 無論教學目標、教學材料、教學方法、教學評量都可用杜威的美學思想作為理論指導。
The purpose of this study is to investigate Dewey aesthetic's thought, and it might provide the reference of music education for elementary schools. Besides, introduction and conclusion, the essay is composed of three sections:1. the change of Dewey aesthetic’s thought: his aesthetic’s thought from pragmatism, instrumentalism, experimentalism, empirical naturalism, follow the progress of the times, often adjust his own thought. 2. the system of Dewey aesthetic’s thought comprised: (1)the relation of art and live, experience, nature; (2)the practical value of art; (3)During artistic creation, appreciation must take notice the issues of doing and undergoing, experimentation, and context; (4) artistic feeling and imagination psychology; (5) the unifies of artistic contents and forms. 3. the application of Dewey aesthetic's thought to music education for elementary schools: teaching goal, teaching material, teaching method, and teaching assessment, all may adopt Dewey aesthetic's thought as guide of theory.
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