

作者(外文):Lin, Hsien-ting
主題關鍵詞:莊子陶潛三層自我虛靜心靈Three levels of selfZhuangziTao QianVacant mind
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Zhuangzi greatly values the Self of the Vacant Mind, the functions of which are contemplation and transcendence, and regards it as the True Master in each human being. He accordingly demands that one be freed from the shackles of both the Self of bodily sensation and the Self of psychological emotions to manifest the subjectivity of the Self of the Vacant Mind. Tao Qian goes further than Zuangzi in his analysis of the Vacant Mind. In Tao Qian’s view, the Vacant Mind itself displays a threefold structure. At first, it is the Mind of Sensibility, which is in charge of bodily sensations. The Mind of Sensibility integrated with bodily sensation is the Self of Sensibility, which is able to reveal the truth in the affective life. Secondly, it is the Mind of Intelligence, which is responsible for mental discernment. The Mind of Intelligence integrated with mental discernment is the Self of Intelligence, which can reveal the goodness of both the moral and the intellectual achievements in life. Thirdly, it is the Vacant Mind, which presides over aesthetic contemplation and creation. By means of its creating, it disseminates the flame of spiritual creativity, expresses its artistic character and reveals the root of the cultural tradition.
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